Henry and Sean: Enter a New Face

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Jan. 12, 2015
School started again and things have been hard. He can't focus and his mom's condition got worse. I pull him in just to be pushed out. We got a new kid and he keeps hitting on literally everyone. I am not kidding though, if it moves, he flirts with it. I've tried finding out whether or not he's a demon or not. All signs point to Lust.

Jan. 25, 2015
Henry and I fought and now finals and everything is against me. His mom died last night-rest her soul. I've tried calling him but he won't answer and I'm scared. His therapist told me to stay by his side for comfort or support. For him or me?

Jan. 27, 2015
Exams started and Henry started cutting himself. I've managed to make up with him and take his blades without much resistance. I must look like a wraith right now since everyone seemed to have a nervous energy when I'm around, but it could just be the exams. I should stop writing for a while.

Feb. 2, 2015
The evil has been defeated! For the most part. I've checked out my classes for next semester and second period seems like it'll be fun. Henry cut again and I keep having to pry the blades from him. He only seems like the shell of the man he used to be.

Feb. 3, 2015
Sometimes I forget that not all everyone knows our social status. With all the technology of today's era, we barely have any time for anything but media and work. Constant snide comments on one's appearance, or actions. Gina and I became better friends and I have a feeling she is more than what she seems.

Feb. Something.
I have realized my mistakes. I wrote the wrong year in pen and am too lazy to look for anything to fix it. Who cares anyway? My dog is currently trying to make out with my ear. Send help soon future me.

Valentines Day
Love and hormones and desperation is in the air. I can't forget marketing ploys used to celebrate today. Anyone interested in buying chocolate? Everyone? Great. We had to write letters to loved ones and I got two. One from Henry as you probably guessed it, and Dmitri. Who knew Dmitri was such a poet? He wrote a sonnet about how I ignore him and he still adores the ground I walk on. I'll feel bad if I don't give him something in return. He just got here recently and already proclaimed his "undying infatuation" for me. And I'm over him now. Update on Henry, he's been trying to stop cutting but I can tell it's getting hard for him. His mom keeps getting worse and worse, his dad tries his best to keep it together in front of his family but I can hear him cry, whenever I stay the night, when he thinks no one can hear him. His sister is confused all the time about my mommy is in the hospital and when she's coming back. I decided to come out to the school in the best way how, but it needs to take some time. You can't write a book and have it published in one day, much like this plan won't see fruition unless I let it grow.

Feb. 21, 2016
That's it. She died today. I didn't know her that well but it still brings pain. Henry's dad needed some alone time so he booked a hotel and told Henry he could stay at my house. His sister would be staying at a friends house for the night then join him in the hotel. I've prepared my room so that it will be able to hold two people rather than just the usual one. Another bed, more pillows and blankets, and some sort of means to entertain ourselves. It's the best I could do since I don't trust him alone after he started cutting. I can't stand to see him like this, and I know that I can't tell him to "get over it." I've been on the receiving end if those words before.


I honestly don't know at this point. You probably aren't gonna read the author's note so why do I bother? Anyway, I was sick last week so I couldn't write anything, much less get out of bed without being bombarded with nausea and migraines. I'm feeling better now, but still a little sick. Nothing to serious.

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