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Can we just talk about this picture??😍😩 Anyways, I hope you like the first chapter!


"Louis William Tomlinson!"

I fluter my eyes open and get confused by the sudden yelling. As soon as I realized that it was just my mom getting me up for school, I lifted the blanket back over me and rolled over. But I was awoke again by a harsh shove.

"What?!" I yelled lazily.

"Get up! Your gonna have to bring the girls to school I have work and I'm running late!" My mum says, clearly stressed, while pulling the cozy comforter off from me. I look up at her realizing she's beginning to get strands of grey hair and worry lines, most likely from stress.

"Okay, I'm up. Go to work I'll get them ready." I say feeling so bad for the poor woman. It's been hard on my mum ever sense my step dad left. The worthless scum he is. She's been having to work extra hours while trying to be the best mother she can. "Thank you so much, dear." She says then before giving me a peck on the cheek.
I quickly take a shower, brush my teeth, then I pull on a white jumper and some dark skinny jeans, rolling them up to my ankles. I quiffed my hair up with some light gel then headed downstairs to bring my sisters and myself to school.


As soon as I walk into school I see the face I was dreading yet hoping to see.

Harry Styles.

I instantly started to walk, fast, until I finally past him. I went straight to my locker but as soon as I got there, I had to look back. There he was. Harry fucking Styles. Gorgeous as always. He was standing in front of his locker getting his books, I guessed, out of it with his long lanky legs in skin tight jeans.

Skin fucking tight. Oh lord.

He had black converse on his strangely large feet and was wearing a black shirt with the words "hipsta please". I chuckled a bit at that. He topped everything off with a light pink and white flower crown in his wild hair. It looks so adorable on him. Ugh.. The things I want to do to that boy-

"I think you're drooling." A fimiliar voice interrupts my thoughts that were about to take a dirty turn. Wait drooling? I quickly pull my hand up to my face to find no drool what-so-ever. I literally gave Liam the biggest glare,

"Fuck off, that's not funny." I say still glaring. "Oh but it is," Liam laughs.

Yes, Liam knows about my feelings for Harry. I had told him when I first realized that I liked him. Liam didn't judge which I was incredibly grateful for. I just waved his comment off and grabbed the rest of my things from my locker for the next few classes then I was off to my first class of the day. History.


History is going terribly so far. Harry's in my history class and he sits right next to me. Harry caught me starring at him, as I always do, so I stopped for a bit and turned my focus to the lesson. It was so hard though. I couldn't help but stare. If he wasnt so god damn gorgeous, just sitting there like an actually angel oh my. So I obviously started to stare again but this time Harry ended up starring back at me. His gorgeous green orbs that I literally melt over are just locked onto mine. Harry then smiled, more like smirked, while still starring. I just want to run up and kiss that smirk off his face. I looked away, probably blushing like crazy, but I could feel Harrys eyes burning holes in the back of my head. I stared to squirm feeling a bit uncomfortable with his starring. Then I heard the most angelic sound ever. I heard him chuckle,

Oh my fuck.

This kid will be the death of me. As soon as the teacher said "Class is over" I grabbed my things and bolted out of the room. One more moment in there and I would've died.


The rest of the day went by fast. History is the only class I have with him, besides lunch but Harry eats in the library, so I didn't have to see him again today. Is that a bad thing or a good thing? I don't know. When the final bell rang I went to my locker to put my things away then I headed home.

When I got home nobody was there. Which was strange. I texted my mum and she said she took the girls out for some "mother daughter time". So I just grabbed some crisps and went upstairs to my room to watch some tv seems how I have nothing better to do. After a couple of hours of just watching tv I got bored. So I turned the tv off then laid on my bed for a bit. I began to think. Mostly about school and family and shit. But then my mind took an unwanted turn and started thinking about him. I wish Harry were here, me cuddling into his chest. I so wish I could call him mine and be able to kiss him whenever I wanted. But I can't.. And that's what brakes me. That's what makes me take out a shiny metal object out of my top drawer. That's what makes me go into the bathroom and drag my shiny friend across my smooth delicate skin.


I know this chapters kinda short but I don't really have the energy tonight. They'll get longer though, I promise!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2017 ⏰

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