Chapter 15

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Chencho thought of the wolf tattoo that belonged to Los Lobos Locos' current leader. It seemed dangerous unlike the name of its owner.


Who would have thought a guy with such a non-threatening name would lead to his destruction? The sound of the metal door scraping against the floor caught his attention.

"What do you want now?" Chencho groaned as he attempted to break free from the ropes that held him in place.

"Is that any way to greet your leader? Your savior?" CJ asked as he made his way across the bare room.

"Savior?" Chencho scoffed. His mouth felt dry. He needed water.

"I saved you from all those crazy wolves, didn't I? If they found out that one of their own...that one of their trusted members was really a cop they would have torn you apart. Perhaps I should have let them. I would've loved to hear you scream, Chencho. The sound of bones ever hear it? I'm sure you have. It's like when you hear two cars crashing. You know something bad, something painful, something awful just happened."

"You're sick," Chencho muttered.

"Sick?" CJ touched his forehead and grinned. "No, I feel fine. Just peachy. I brought you a gift."

He held up a syringe and Chencho winced at the thought of having even more drugs injected into him.

"Why don't you just kill me?" Chencho asked.

"I thought about it but why should I when opportunity is pounding at my door? A few days like this and I'll have you begging for it. You'll do anything...even betray that justice system you work so hard for. You'll be my slave, Chencho."

"I could end up dead," Chencho reminded him.

CJ shrugged, "That's a possibility."

Chencho felt the prick of the needle and gave a silent prayer that he'd die before falling victim to CJ's hopes.


"Oliver?" Dani was shaking. She felt dizzy and she needed water.

"Dani...I don't know what to tell you," Oliver scratched the back of his head, avoiding her eyes.

"How? How do you know her?"

"Dani, I don't know how to tell you this but-"

"Has she been calling you?"

Oliver nodded, "I met her when we were both young and before you were born."

"All this time...why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to. I thought about it. I just couldn't. There were too many reasons not to."

"Name two!" Dani's voice cracked in pain. "You knew! You knew how hard it's been for me without her or my father."

"Exactly! I didn't think you'd want to be around a woman that left you behind. Dani, I didn't want you to get hurt."

"Was that your reason? Because if it was, you failed."

She heard Oliver yelling behind her. A part of her was tempted to hear his story but the thought of doing so was scary. He had even mentioned her having a new family. 

Her footsteps felt leaden as she stomped into the serving area of the diner. She passed Jax, Roberto, and Tristan.

"Dani?" Jax stood up as Dani exited the diner. He gave Roberto an apologetic look and chased after her.

"Where the hell is he going?" Tristan asked.

"Don't worry about it," Roberto muttered.

"Don't worry about it?" Tristan mocked. "Are you kidding? Gladys is out there and we need all the help we can get."

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