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I splashed the water in my face, and looked back into the mirror. I started to sway back and forth to the beat as I took down my hair out of its lose braids, and started them over tighter. A song of a rapper I knew played through my headphones.

'Rappers stepping to me, they want to get some
But I'm the Kane, so yo, you know the outcome
Another victory
They can't get with me
So pick a BC date cause you're history
I'm the authentic poet to get lyrical
For you to beat me, it's gonna take a miracle
And, stepping to me, yo that's the wrong move
So what you on, Hobbs, dope or dog food?
Competition I just devour
Like a pit bull against a Chihuahua
Cause when it comes to being dope, hot damn
I got it good, now let me tell you who I am
The B-I-G D-A-double D-Y K-A-N-E
Dramatic, Asiatic, not like many
I'm different, so don't compare me to another
Cause they can't hang, word to the mother
At least not with the principal in this pedigree
So when I roll on you rappers, you better be
Ready to die because you're petty
You're just a butter knife, I'm a machete
That's made by Ginsu, wait until when you
Try to front, so I can chop into
Your body, just because you try to be basing
Friday the 13th, I'mma play Jason
No type of joke, gag, game, puzzle or riddle
The name is Big Daddy, yes Big not little
So define it
Here's your walking papers, sign it
And take a walk
As the Kane start to talk, cause-'

"What the fuck you doing in there? Shit!" I heard a male's voice roar, which only made me finish my braid more frantically. Then I slipped one arm through my crop top hoodie, slipped in the other one and zipped it up. I grabbed my backpack and raced out of the bathroom, bumping into the guy I assumed to be the man rushing me.

"Woah, what the fuck was yo- I thought that was the men's bathroom. What was you doing in there?" I heard his voice slowly abate as I scampered out of the 'Stop N Go' bathroom, towards the gas station.

Once I approached the gas station I decelerated to look as a casual customer, on a normal Friday night just looking to purchase snacks on the grounds that that was all I could afford. At least I think that's all I could afford. I looked down at my hands and noticed I had the wallet of the man I bumped into earlier. I smiled at the clerk before walking into one of the isles to count how much money he had earned.

For every twenty, and ten I counted my smile grew wider and wider. Seems he was going to a strip club to make it rain or something. I grabbed a couple of energy drinks, and a Hershey bar. I paid for the stuff and almost walked out of the front door but saw the man I bumped into earlier talking to a cop standing in front of the entrance. I slowly backed up and threw my hood over my head and headed towards the other exit.

"Excuse me! You can't go through that door, its for employees only! M'am? M'am!"

I walked out and ignored her regulation, walking faster towards a man getting out of his car parked near a pump. I looked back over my shoulder and noticed the policeman and man I robbed walk into the gas station.

C'mon tears, do your magic!

"Sir, can you please help me! Please!!!" I cried.

"What's wrong?"

"My man drove me all the way out here and left me on the side of the rode. I don't know anybody out here, I'm scared-"

"Where you from?"

"New York..."

"What you doing out here in Detroit?"

"We were supposed to meet his family out here but on the way to they're house we had an argument and he just left me out here and told me to find my way back."

"Alright, but what do you want me to do?"

"I'd appreciate it if you dropped me off to the nearest bus stop."

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