Short Story 1

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I stared out the window. The sky was grey. How I hated the pollution here. My master had said it would be bad, but I hadn't expected this. Not in a million years.

My thoughts about  grey skies were nothing compared to the coppery taste of longing in my mouth, however. They were just a reminder that I was in a strange place, surrounded by strange people. For goodness sake, I wasn't technically even in the same galaxy as my home! Ah, home. It sounded like paradise.

I missed the hills, the blue skies, the rivers, the waterfalls, and the rain. I longed for the cool air. It would be about eighty degrees around now back home.

And instead, I was stuck on Earthworld, in Texas. It was 108 degrees outside. In the morning. And to make matters worse, I was trapped in a school. It wouldn't have been that bad, as I have always loved learning, but they are still doing fractions. In seventh grade. I was in Computer Programing, Trigonomatry, and some quantum physics on Nistalla. I all ready could put together a working motor and half of a space ship without too much quiddit.

All of this reminded me of one thing; I didn't belong here.

"Leighanna!" my Earthian math teacher exclaimed.

I snapped out of my deppresive mood and looked at her. "Yes, Ma'am?"

"Come solve this problem on the board please." She pointed to a multiplication equation. 256x418

I glanced at it lamely from my seat, not even sure why she wanted me to solve a multiplication problem when we were doing fractions. "It's 107,008, Mrs. Ballik." She stared at me.

"Are you certain?" she inquired, astonished.

"Yes. Yes, quite."

Mrs. Ballik solved it, getting the same product as I had. She tried to suppress it, but I could tell that she was more than shocked. I smiled. It was a  simple problem. I almost wanted her to ask me to graph a paraballa. It was simple math, paraballas. But much to my amusment, most Earthian 5th graders couldn't tell me what it was. Most of them didn't even know how to square a number!

My teacher akwardly moved on to the next student. I drifted back into my gloomy thoughts. Mrs. Ballik didn't call on me again. Untill after the final bell of the day rang. I was walking out of the room when she stopped me.

"Wa'o alimi dorsan rasu emas?" she asked in my native language, Histazian. It was music to my ears. . . A familliar sound. Even though they were simple words; What is your real name, I was glad to hear them.

Now it was my turn to be shocked. And I wasn't near as good at hiding it.

"Si-Siri Lynn Astri Tachi," I stammered.

"I am Karry Hiun Y'oth Ballik."

"Pleased to meet you. . . As your real self, anyhow."

She nodded her acceptance and raised an eyebrow. "The King's niece?" I nodded. "Wow. . . What in the world are you doing here?"

"I have a lead on a rather notorious murderer with whom I am particurally displeased with as of this moment."

Mrs. Ballik gave me a strange look. "No offense or anything, but why would Kitianna let a 13 year old go on a chase for a serial killer?"

"Oh, I'm not looking for him. Not in person, anyhow. I give the tips, and my master puts them into action. Even if I was capable of pulling of this kind of investigation, I would be too revenge driven to focus."

 "He must be pretty bad to make a Kason that angry."

I shrugged slightly. "He killed my sister."

Mrs. Ballik's face changed. I hate it when they do that. "I'm so sorry, Siri."

"I'ts really all right. I cant change it anyways."

"Good attitude, Siri."

"Ta'o dorsa. If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing here, Mrs. Ballik?"

"Please, call me Karry. If you must, Master Karry. Whatever floats your boat will float mine also."

"Very well, Master Karry. What brought you to this blistering mass of a planet?"

"Long story, that. Much of it was my apprentice, Myra. Perhaps you have met her?"

I nodded once, remembering the tall burnette. "Briefly."

"Good. Well, she has ASTA, so we decided that it would be best to keep an eye on the condition and look for possible Kason canidates."


"Aye. It's when your body doesn't-"

"Produce enough beta endorphins so your nervous system overloads. Yes, I know. I was diognosed a year ago. Still getting used to it acctually."

Master Karry took a step back and leaned up against a counter. "You're just a bundle of secrets and suprises aren't you?"

Not quite done yet, will update soon, but I am getting increasingly hungry so i am going to go pillage my pantry. . . Checking out for now, and I hope you enjoy!

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