the video part 3

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So we were wondering how do they know well it comes to find out that ernendez and austin were behind the camra but they dont know who did the things to us but we all know they lying so we were finding other people to tell us but they woulden't tell us but we were to bust focusing on why would they do this to us. Well rakya was crying in the middle of the night and rakya really liked ernendez  so she was crying because he did this to us and she liked austin also but as a friend.i was so confused on what was happening so we were just hanging watching a movie and we over heard austin and ernendez walking down the street and austin said " we really should tell them this is wrong" and ernandez said " no we r not we r going to keep if from them anyways they dont need to know " we didnt know wht they were talking about but we were even more confused so i just layed down and got on my macbookair and rakya got on her iphone 6 . the next day i couldent go to school i was to depressed so rakya stayed home also and we called the school and we stayed home but austin did text me and he said " were r u " i said " at home" he said " why" i said "i dont fell good " he said " im sorry" i said " its fine" he said
" i know who raped u and rakya"

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