Chapter 10

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Abigail's P.O.V

Dean cheated on me. Why why-why-why? Why does this always happen to me at this point I couldn't take it anymore, so I got up and ran in the hallway, and I bumped into someone it was BROCK LESNAR! Wait no I don't want to get even more hurt so I got up as quickly as possible, and I failed to do that because he had grabbed me by the waist and covered my mouth before I can even scream, then he had dragged me in his room and through me in the bed wait what is he going to do.... No NO he's going to rape me I had to jump quickly off the bed and go to the door, and once I opened the door I screamed for help

"HELP" I cried when I looked behind me I saw he was half naked and now coming at me, but then I see Colby oh thank god I ran over to Colby and hug him, but then told him to ran to his room as I followed I looked back and showed Lesnar right behind us, and he was still half naked so I'm pretty sure that Colby knew what was happening so we ran to his room and locked the door and I cornered myself and began to cry how can my life get any worse it's always one thing leading to the other I just want to end everything it's not as I was needed in life it not even like I had one or, at least, that is what I thought. As time passed, Colby had tried to make me tell him what was going on, but I couldn't manage to choke it out I just needed a break, and by a break I mean I need time off work and I just need time to myself

"Colby Jon cheated on me with Renee" I whispered to him in a very faint voice

"WHAT JON WHAT?" Colby yelled out of nowhere which made me jump.

"Why would Jon be so stupid, did you even confront him," He said

"No, he isn't even in the room right now he is probably in Renee's room," I said devastated 

"Fine then I'll go, and confront him about what he did," He said

"No Colby just let it go it won't do anything but make thing's worse," I said

"Nope I don't even care right now why in the bloody hell would Dean do that he has to be an idiot for that I need to slap some sense into him anyways," He said

"Colby just please if you really care then you won't do it," I said as he knotted his head he walked me to my room and what a surprise Dean was not there, but he stayed there with me to make sure I was okay but left because he had to get ready for Smackdown. I then take a bath and put this on  and leave for raw



I entered to building and saw everyone look at me with pity like they felt sorry for me I got very confused but then thought that they all now know about Dean cheating on me, but I didn't know so I shrugged it off. I entered the catering and get a plate to eat, and I still notice the fact that everyone is looking at me, and it pissed me off, so I yelled at them 

"WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT," I said as they all looked away from me and mind their own business. After I eat, I went back to my locker room and laid down for a second I needed  just to stay there and just think about the things that happened to me today in less than an hour my life is a mess, and I am a mess, but I need to suck it all up and just go with the flow and put that fake smile that I'm force to put on every day. I just get sick of walking around acting like everything is fine, but deep down I'm slowly slipping away from everything I ever knew and believed, but I was interrupted from my thoughts by a knock on the door, and I see the one and only devil himself DEAN AMBROSE, but I act calm because I wanted to catch him in his own lies.

"So Dean, where were, you-you never came back," I said

"I-I-I was at Colby's room why," He said. Such a fucking liar

"oh like around what time like 10 minutes when we arrived at the hotel," He said. LIAR- LIAR- LIAR- FUCKING LIAR

"Oh really, because I went to Colby's room like 5 minutes after we arrived and you never knocked on the door isn't that strange" I had a smirk on my face knowing he knew he was caught

"Why were you in Colby's room I told you to stay away from him," He said

"Oh don't try to turn this on me, Jonathan!" I said

"No really tell me what were you doing in his ROOM!" He said

"Fine you want to know what well when I arrived at the hotel I got a call from the Bella's that they needed to tell me something important so I told them they can come over here and tell me when they arrived they told me that they saw you KISSING RENEE FREAKING YOUNG, and I started to cry and couldn't take it no more so I ran out of the room and bumped into BROCK LESNAR and when I tried to scream he covered my mouth and pulled me to his room and ALMOST FUCKING RAPED ME, BUT I GOT UP AND CRIED FOR HELP AND LUCKILY SAW COLBY AND I TOLD HIM TO RUN TO HIS ROOM HE WAS CONFUSED BUT WHEN HE LOOKED BEHIND HIM HE SAW A HALF NAKED BROCK LESNAR AND KNOTTED HIS HEAD AND TOOK ME TO HIS ROOM AFTER A WHILE I TOLD HIM EVERYTHING AND NOW HE HATES THE LIVING FUCK OUT OF YOU" I said breathlessly, and he looked at me with regret and sad and mad that this happened to me

"I'm-," he said, but I cut him off

"Just save it," I said and pointed at the door. I was just feeling out of it I didn't want to be there, and I sure didn't want to be awake or breathing I just wish everything can just stop just like me hope did years ago



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