Samuel new OC

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This is Samuel.  When Samuel was a small boy in grade school, he was bullied.  Suffering from depression, Samuel turned all this sadness and shame into pure hatred for humanity.  His parents were loving and kind, but he never shared with him what was occuring at school.  He was scrawny and was beaten up often, and always made excuses for his bruises.  Skateboarding, he always said.  That was what all his wounds came from, nothing else.  His parents were concerned, but didn't imagine he was lying.

He never released his anger publicly as he grew.  Never cried, screamed, or some much as whimpered when around anyone.  He wasn't going to be the weakling his schoolmates made him out to be.  However, the second he was completely alone, he let it all out.  He hated his life.  He hated his parents.  He hated his schoolmates.  He hated himself.  The only thing keeping him from suicide was one desire: revenge.

He was trapped in his own cage of anger and despair, told to kill himself daily.  He saw the world as an endless cycle of evil.  However he grew and grew and grew.  And one day he met a girl by the name of Sarah.  Sarah was kind, beautiful, and showed Samuel what it meant to love.  Samuel was crazy in love, never experiencing anything like it before.  He forgot his anger, and embraced everything.  Everything that once hurt now shone in glory.  Eventually,  Sarah and Samuel got married.  Sarah had a baby name Kyrie.  It was the love of her life, as it was Samuel's.  However, when Kyrie was 5 years old, Sarah and Samuel got in an argument.  Samuel felt so betrayed, so hated, so terribly and horridly angry.  He made a mistake he would forevermore regret; he killed Sarah.  It was an accident, he was heated and pushed Sarah down, Sarah just slamming her head on a sharp part of the table and dying from it.  Left alone with a five-year-old child, the world once more turned on Samuel.  Everything, every little thing, was horrible.  Samuel began taking out his anger by abusing Kyrie, and one day went a little too far with the whip.  Kyrie died in total pain and hurt.  Samuel was nothing anymore.  He ate and drank, and lived with his guilt.  His incredible, incredible guilt.  Samuel began self-inflicting himself with the kitchen knives.

Don't bully.  Please don't.

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