Chapter 7

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August 6, 2112
The beam that stole me away from Black yesterday, was that of Spike's brother, Grontis. Grontis proceeded to explain that Spike was on board the ship, but at the opposite end. He was hurt badly. After I agreed not to be hostile, the crate that I had called home for what seemed like an eternity, was now sitting, disassembled at my feet. Grontis was shocked at my size. Like many, his eyes widened and he backed away as if trying to exit an awkward situation. Grontis was wearing a mask along with all the of his crew members, however, unlike Spike, Grontis was showing skin. His bulky, pale blue arms protruded out of a vest equipped with an assortment of ammunition. His hands were greasy and blackened, he wore navy blue cargo pants with black combat boots protecting his feet. He motioned at one of his soldiers and they began to lead me to where Spike was being cared for. The scene I had entered upon in the following moments induced in me, a feeling of guilt and sadness. This man, whom I barely know is willing to die for me. Crying, I knelt to the bed ridden warrior's side. He asked me why I cry when we were clear of Black and the human military at the moment. He acted as if his actions were expected. I hadn't felt this way since regent sacrificed herself for me. Through my tears, I tried to explain how I would repay him in full, how I owed him my life, and how I'd be by his side until the end. He smiled, put his hand on my shoulder and announced "I have a new brother everyone, and a strong one at that!". I laughed and wiped my tears and reached for my sword. It was missing. A feeling of extreme panic filled my body. I burst into the cargo bay where Grontis had taken apart my cell. No sword. I ran to the control room where I found Grontis directing his ship. I asked Grontis if he'd seen my blade and I could just smell the fear on him. He started to sweat and say that his troops threw it overboard and it was floating about in space approximately twenty million light years behind us. Sensing my anger, he immediately turned the ship around and ordered his troops to locate the blade. I pulled Grontis in close, like a parent does to an unruly child, and explained the importance of that blade.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2016 ⏰

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