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They call me a bitch,

I always agree.

I'm selfish,

And rude,

And can't help but 


Until I get my way.


I am a bitch

Because I say so.

But if I didn't,

Would that still be me?


Would I still be the one 

That every single fucking person

Thinks they don't need to respect

"She's a bitch."

"Why does it matter?"


Let me tell you.

It matters because even though I'm mean,

And if you ever insult me,

I'll just laugh

And agree,

I fucking still have feelings


This is my way

Of willing you to stop.

If I show how little it affects me

You won't find the need to say it,





Because even though I laugh

And agree,

People don't stop.

They think it's okay.


And I've made it okay


Because I use "I'm a bitch"

As my reason why-

My justification-

For all my personality imperfections.


And it's not okay

For me to do this.

Because I've taught people

That you can use this word.


And even though I'm fine with it,

I am not everyone.

Now I've begun to wonder

If I actually am a bitch.


I have always said I am

With my head held high,

Proud of this honourable title


This word does not have positive connotations

And if I took away my bravado

And evident willingness to label myself,

Would people still call me a bitch?


Am I that selfish?

That rude?

That obnoxious?


This could be answered.

I'd just need to be offended

When I am called a bitch.


But that would be going backwards.

Knocking down walls

I worked so hard to build.


I fear the truth of myself

That would be revealed

If these walls were to fall,

Rubble at my feet.


So up they remain

And up they will stay

Because no one likes a selfish bitch

So why should they care?

Poem and bit of a rant written 9th of December 2015. --- represents stanza breaks.

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