One Day

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One day I will have the courage to talk to him.
To smile and laugh and tell all my non funny jokes to.

One day I will be able to confess the way that I truly feel to him. I do not want to be your friend.

One day I will be able to tell him my secrets. The ones that no one knows about. The ones that make my cheeks burn and turn bright red.

One day I will be able to tell him why I smile so much. How behind this mask is a girl who is no longer herself. Just one who cries.

I want to tell him why I have restless nights and anxious days. Why my sharp fingernail scratching my skin subconsciously isn't because I am itchy.

I want to tell him why I'm so irritable one day then okay the next and why both my eyes always seem to have an eyelash in them at the same time.

I want to tell him that I care for him. That he can confide in me and know that I will never speak a peep. His secrets are mine to keep.

I want to tell him that he can cry in front of me. That no matter what, I have his back and I also have two shoulders for him to cry on.

I want to tell him all the cute things he does that drives me crazy. From the way his left dimple shows when he smiles or his deep laugh that is so contagious. That cute crinkle he gets in his nose when he laughs or the way his brown eyes look at me makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world, giving me shivers down my spine.

I want to tell him that I love him. That with all of my heart, he has me and I'm going nowhere.
Pinky promise.

One day I will have the courage to talk to him.


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