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I couldn't help but stare at Angela every second of the drive to the restaurant. Since my vision was clearing up I still wasn't able to drive yet. She kept cheesing the whole ride as I glanced at her than the road.

"Dustin please stop it, your freaking me out..".

"You really expect me to keep my eyes off you after being blind for so long?".

"No, but I am not going anywhere and half of the time you'll be right by me so you can stare at me then but for now please babe, I can't focus on the road".

"Oh am I making you that nervous?".

" Boy please ..I'm not affected by you".

"Unhuh Mr.Notch don't make you nervous?".

I asked caressing her arm

" Duuustin"

I laughed letting it go.

"See..see...all nerves but fine, I'll leave you alone for now, but once we get back home...your mine Mrs.Breeding".

She cheesed. I smiled and retuned to look out the window, so much was happening in I was missing most of it. I shook my head at certain things I didn't miss seeing and smiled at the things I did. Soon we were pulling into the parking lot of the restaurant.

King's Palace

This place had everything you could ever want, and no matter what time of the day it was they served breakfast, lunch, brunch, dinner, and best of all dessert.

We exited the car and damn was I excited cause instead of just smelling the food, I was able to see it again.

I quickly rushed to the entrance not even realizing that I left Angela. I got to the door and was greeted by a waitress, I told her I made reservations for two and she escorted me to a table.

" Will you be ordering anything while you wait for your date Mr.Notch?".

"Oh nah she right there".

I pointed Angela out who was looking around for me, I couldn't help but laugh. The waitress smiled and waved her down. Angela's face scrunched up as she noticed us and walked over. She sat down folding her arms.

"Miss could you give us a chance to look at the menu and you can see us shortly".

"Of course".

As soon as she walked away Angela hand hit me so hard I had to remember that I left her.

" I'm sorry babe but you were walking to damn slow and a brutha was hungry".

"These heels are not meant to run".

"Well you should of wore comfortable ones".

She stared me down and the waitress returned.

" Are you guys ready?".

"I'm not but I'm sure he is..".

"And what would you like? ".

" Let me have the number 2 with extra gravy and the number 7 with extra cherries".

"Great choice, and for your beverage..".

"Oh he's not drinking!".

Both me and the waitress eyes shot at Angela

" Um..what you mean-"

"No, no alcohol for him thanks".

I couldn't tell if she was joking or not but I was guessing she was trying to embarrass me as I embarrassed her. The woman stared at me than back at her notebook.

" So uh..".

"I am sorry, I'll have a bottle of milk for her and a bottle of champagne for me".

" Did you not hear what I said!".

"I did but since you want to act like a baby about this, I thought I go ahead in get you some milk, but I am definitely getting a drink".

" No he's not ".

" Yes he is, you can get that now actually".

Angela's mouth dropped.
The waitress didn't know whether to jot it down or walk away.

"Um Pam js it, don't get it, just his meal thanks and you can bring the check right along with that because we're taking that to go".

" No were not, I am eating right here".

" Pam, don't get fired, get his damn food and bring us the check thanks!".

"Don't listen to her, your not going to get fired, um can you give us a second".

She nodded and walked away quickly.

"What the hell Ang'"

"Don't call me that, I'm not staying here".

" Okaay but what the hell you bitchen for?".

"You left me".

" And?".


It took all of me to not curse his ass out right there. Ever since his sight was back he was totally different from what I fell in love with. As I started as his face while he waited for me to respond the woman came back like a fool with the bottle of champagne and milk. I smiled shaking my head. Soon as she poured them into glasses I grabbed them both tossing them into Dustin's face.

"That should answer your question and hope you have extra money for a cab and a damn room to stay in".

I picked up my purse and walked off not looking back.

A Models Tale Pt.3°Where stories live. Discover now