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_______ woke up,with dried drool on her cheek.She yawned as she made her way to the bathroom.She quickly brushed her teeth and brushed her hair.
Still groggy with sleep,she made her way downstairs,where her mom was sitting,drinking some coffee.

"Good morning dear! Have some breakfast,there's still some time to kill before you have to go to your NEW school,"she emphasized the 'new' as she gave you a peck on the cheek.You wiped her lipstick away jokingly."Moooom!"

She chuckled as she handed you some leftover pizza from the night before.You digged your teeth into the cheesy goodness.The flavors flooded with everlasting goodness.Sadly,you finished up your pizza really quickly.

"Your uniform's there,"Your mom spoke up when she saw your empty plate.You followed her gaze to see a outfit hanging on the door.your mouth gaped open at the sight of it.You grabbed it and and walked into your room.

-Le Time Skip To After You Changed-
You walked out in your uniform,mumbling a string of curses on how short the skirt was."Damn uniforms,"You growled as you headed downstairs.
Your mother smiled at the sight of you."Wow [Insert Nickname],you look lovely!"

Your cheeks reddened as you sighed.Your mother,noticing your disbelief,quickly went outside to start the car.You grabbed your bag and ran off to meet your mother in the car."______,dear have a good day at school!"

You kept quiet to bite back a stinging retort as you rolled your eyes.


Soon,you arrived at the school.You felt your eyes widen at the humongous figure of the school.You looked around the school as you took a step into the school.

"HEY ___________!"You heard a voice yell as you saw two figures running towards you.Scratch that,one of them was dragging the other.

As they came closer,you inspected them more closely.The girl,who was taller had sleek blackish-purplish hair with striking blue eyes.

The meek girl beside her,was a orangish-yellow haired girl with beautiful violet eyes.She averted your gaze.

"Are you like checking her out?!''The girl with blue eyes yelled into your ears.Your cheeks flushed red at the remark as the shorter girl hit her on the back.Ouch.

"BAKA! Stop creeping her out!"

"But Kiwi-sann...."

"Stop it!"


They then turned to look at you."You're ______ _______ right?I'm Kyra,but you can call me Kiwi-san,if you want..''She said meekly.

"Hai! I'm Riley Cameron but you can call me Author-senpai!"

"Urm..Hello then!"You replied with a smile and a small wave."Not to be rude..how the fuck do you know my name?"You asked then with a confused glance.

"Oh,that's easy.''

"The principal gave us your paticulars and name.Also we're-"

"Your great,fast,efficent tour guides for today!"Riley said as she noogied Kyra.

You sweat dropped a little, as you scratched your head."Ehe..thanks?"Before you knew it,Riley grabbed you and started running towards somewhere only jesus knows.

Kyra followed behind, her long hair swaying in the wind.NOT.Jesus,this is not an anime.

Soon,you arrived at a large room with a metal door.The sign above it said 'Principal's Office.'

Kyra opened the door and shoved you inside as she closed the door.

"_____ _______,I see they have found you."

You turned again,gulping as you forced yourself to look at the principal.

"Hello,and welcome to Gakuen High!"He said with a cheery smile.You facepalmed mentally. You were kind of expecting a fierce man,who looked serious but


You got a goofy man with many curls sticking out of his hair."I'm Principal Rome."He stuck his hand out and you grabbed his hand and gave him a firm handshake.He quickly explained the rules of regulations and handed your class schedule.

"Off you go,frolicking in the fields of friendships and knowledge!"Then he walked back to his desk.You opened the door only to bump into a guy with light brown hair, with beautiful green eyes and had sun-kissed tan skin.

"Hola chica~"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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