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Allah the Almight is Al-Ghafuur. He forgives every sin. He looks upon us with mercy. We sin yet He looks at us with mercy. He is the most merciful, He would have destroyed us for the sins we commit but since He is the Merciful, He gives us a chance to repent and change.

What is repentence?
Repentence simply means asking for forgivness sincerefully.

How can you ask for forgiveness sincerefully?

First you have to identify the sin.
Look at the sin with digust. Almost all sins are joyful. So make the sin appear disgusting. Hate the sin with all your heart. If you really want to ask for forgiveness from Allah don't postpone it. Ask for forgiveness immediately. In addition, one's repentence for a given sin must match the sins degree of seriousness. If we do so In shaa Allah, Allah (S.w) will forgive us for our sins.

If you have any question concerning repentence, you can ask in the comments. JazakumAllah kheir.

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