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As if someone had told him the next day, my admirer had dropped another note. But not in the post box.

It was on my bed.

I walked in my room after a long tiring day enduring Jackson's  prattle about how many cars his father  had owned. I liked Jackson but at this rate, he was being as much of an idiot as Draco Malfoy.

I lazily slung my bag over my desk chair and kicked off my shoes and pretty much fell onto my bed. Then I heard something crackle beneath my head.

I shrieked as I leapt up from the bed, crashing my head against my low hanging lights. 

"Ouch... what the... what the hel-" I spluttered as my ears kept ringing from the crash- the lantern was now a bit crooked.

"Bloody hell," I growled. "Stupid piece of pape-"

I stopped as my brain tried to register what I said. 


I bent down to grab it and shrieked again as I saw the logo.

"Tara! Shut up!"

"Shove your head down a toilet, Joshua!" I retorted. Honestly, my older brother was a hopeless case sometimes.

My door opened and the stinky, smelly head of Joshua Lawrence  made its appearance.

"Josh, get lost." I growled.

"Gosh, Tara, anyone would think you're hiding something." Josh chuckled, walking into the room.

"Did you not hear me? Get out!" I said firmly.

Josh walked into the room, still in his football jersey, hands in the air.

"Now can I talk to you?" Josh asked, a look of innocence on his face. I sighed.

"Whatever. Sit on a towel. Your jersey is filthy." I snapped.

Josh yanked a towel from the cupboard outside my room and sat down on the floor.

"Well?" I asked irritably.

"Sheesh, someone's not happy. Anything... happen in the past few weeks?" Josh smirked and I felt a great urge to chuck a book at him. 

"What's that on your bed?" Josh asked suddenly. I turned and saw his gaze on the small piece of paper on my pillow. I shrieked again and made a desperate grab for the note but Josh had beaten me to it.

"Give it back, you moron." I hissed.

"Nuh uh, use your manners first." Josh grinned as he held up the note. His eyes narrowed and he smirked again.

"Aha, got a secret admirer, do you?" Josh grinned at my beetroot face.

"You keep out of this, I want to read." I grumbled, grabbing the Spider man comic I was reading earlier and shoving it in my brother's face.

"Oh no, I want to know why. But first, sit down Tara." Josh said gleefully, enjoying every minute. I fumed and flounced reluctantly onto the edge of the bed.

"Let's see here... ah yes." Josh said slowly as if talking to a five year old. 

I smirked. "You do realise you sound like Severus Snape.... 'Turn to page 394...'"

"Whatever," Josh said, grinning. "Anyway, it says here.... oh damn, Tara, this person is obsessed..."

"Obsessed enough to find my room and place it on my pillow," I grumbled.

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