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"What, Louis? What's the reason this time? What bullshit are you going to feed me this time? What the fuck is it?!" he yells, veins popping on his neck.

Louis stares at him, eyes tired and shoulders slouched. Harry's eyes are burning as he glares at Louis, gaze like knives aiming at Louis with his shoulder squared and flaring nose. His eyes are wide and red. He parts his lips to breathe, already choking. He's fucking shaking.

Louis tries to open his mouth just to close it again, forgetting the words that has been drowned in Harry's tears. Harry didn't move when his tears starts to slide down his cheeks. He just waits, and waits, and waits for Louis to talk—to explain. But neither of them moved a single nerve.

Louis is the one who breaks the eye contact and hurt flashes across Harry's face. "I'm sorry, H—"

"You're not!" he bellows, ugly sobs escaping his trembling lips. "You. Are. Fucking... not."

Louis shuts his eyes tightly, trying to lessen the sting behind his eyes. His face starts to heat when his chest heaves. Harry is sobbing, whimpering... breaking. And Louis can't handle to see that, it hurts to see it with his own eyes and his ears are bleeding as he listens to Harry's cry gets quieter and quieter.

"I want to be done, Louis. I want it so bad," he weeps, scrubbing his eyes and wiping his tears. "So bad, Louis."

Panic shoots straight to Louis' bones and he freezes. He stills in his spot, holding his breath. His eyes are wide as he stares at the wooden floor beneath their feet. He knew that the time would come when Harry would be tired of him because of all the shits they're facing. He knew Harry wouldn't stick with him when it become all too much to the point that it's not healthy anymore.

He knew it.

He prepared himself but right now he's frozen in his feet, listening to the fast beat of his heart. It's beating so fast but all he can hear is his own shaky breath and Harry's broken whimpers.

"We always do this, Louis. Always. I always ask you about everything but you always shut me out. I always wait for you to fucking explain to me why the hell would you agree to this new..." he stutters, finding his words, "... bullshit. I always wait for you to explain so I can understand why do you always choose to hurt me."

Harry hates it. He hates the fact that he's crying and his heart is shattering inside him again. Louis is standing there with his head down and not even bothering to say a single damn word to make everything feel okay. He needs his comfort... so bad.

He sucks in a sharp breath, feeling his lungs expand. He wipes his tears, licks his lips and runs his shaking fingers through his hair. Louis finally looks up at him, eyes filled with tears that are threatening to spill. Harry's lungs closes again as he takes in the sight.

And then Louis opened his mouth.

"Do you believe them?" he whispers, voice broken.

Harry's throat closes. What?

"Do you believe that I got her..." he swallows, trying so hard to keep his eyes stay with Harry. "Pregnant?"

"Should I, Louis?" he taunts, completely offended but trying to hide it. "Should I believe them? Should I believe you're stupid enough to spill your come inside her—"


Harry presses his lips together, clenching his hands. "Should I?!"

"You know I didn't!" Louis shouts back, "I fucking didn't, Harry!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2015 ⏰

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