I Love You, No Matter What Happen

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YeWook fan fiction

> "Ryeowook-ssi!," Eunhyuk shouted. "Don't you have a date with your other Hyungs????" "I don't know, maybe i'll just stay here in my dorm cooking and resting," Ryeowook replied. "Ohh okay, KyuMin, KangTeuk, Eunhae, HanChul (all of the SuJu couples) will be dating except for you and Yesung i think." HyukJae said.

While Eunhyuk walk out the door "Hey Saeng, tell me if you and Yesung will be dating, okay? <smirks>" Ohh Hyung, it's impossible Yesung is resting, see? And i am going to rest too we're both tired of our works." Ryeowook said tiredly (Ryeong and Yesung are dorm mates) ...

While the two were resting Yesung woke up first and stayed in his bed staring at Ryeong, with his mind full of sweet things about Ryeowook *blush*. After staring at him for so long. Ryeowook woke up too. "Saeng, can you please cut some strawberries for Me?" Yesung said with a sweet voice. "Of course Hyung!" Ryeong replied yawning but in a happy tone.

*Ryeowook walks towards the kitchen to cut the strawberries for his Yesung Hyung* but later on, "Ahhh ouch!!!" Ryeowook shouted while he sobs. "Ryeowook-ssi what happen??" Yesung said worriedly while running towards Ryeong. "I've cut my pointer and middle finger accidentally" he said that while tears started to fall down to his cheeks. "Ohh, wait i'll just get the first aid kit at out restroom." "For me to clean and see if your finger cut was to deep or what." 😊😊😊 Yesung said. "Thanks Hyung!" Ryeowook said smiling and yet sobbing.

Yesung started to clean Ryeong's finger cut. While he was doing his thing, "Ryeowook-ssi I'm so sorry. I'll just cut the other strawberries left." "No, I'm fine i can do it by myself"

Ryeong said politely. "No, you might hurt your self again. It makes me worry a lot." Yesung said. "Uhhm, okay I'll just sit on the table and wait for you to cut the left strawberries" Ryeong replied blushing of what Yesung said.

After Yesung has done cutting everything up. They both eat and share stories about themselves on the table. While they were having a good time with each other. The EunHae couple started to sneak inside the Yesung's and Ryeowook's dorm. "Heyy guys! Having a good time i see. 😉" Eunhyuk said with a wink. "Oh yeah, we are having so much fun sharing about ourselves." Yesung replied with a happy tone. "Enjoy yourselves then." EunHae couple said happily.

Chapter Two~

"Ryeowook-ssi do you want to come with me?" Yesung asked Ryeong. "Where are we going Hyung?" Ryeong answered curiously. "I'll go jogging by the river that we all go every time our group will have a picnic." Yesung said smiling. "I think i can't, Im kinda busy. And the weather there will be very bad , right? Didn't you know that?" Ryeong replied. "I knew that Ryeong. But okay I understand you. I think I really need to go there by my self and relax *pouts* " Yesung said sadly. And that makes Ryeowook kinda guilty for not approving that he can go with his Hyung.

--------------after 3hrs.----------------

"Ryeowook-ssi! I'll be going now. Take care!! *wink + kiss*"

"O..ok..okay Yesung Hyu..ng. Take care. *blush* ...

After Ryeowook had finished everything up, he was super bored and planned to follow Yesung. But first he ask a permission from Leeteuk.

"Hyung!!!" Shouted Ryeowook to Leeteuk.

"What do you need Ryeowook-ssi??" Ask Leeteuk curiosly. "Hyung, can I follow Yesung Hyung by the river where we always do our picnic???" Said Ryeowook happily. What?!? Where?!? The river?? What is he doing there? Doesn't he know that the weather is going to be very bad there later?" Leeteuk said with a worried tone. "Ohh he knows it, but can i go now Hyung? *puppy eyes*" Ryeowook said. "Okay okay sure you can. Take care, and go home before the weather does his tantrums. *giggles worriedly*"

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