Going to the State Alpha's Party: Ashanty's P.O.V.:

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Hello, my name's Ashanty Blueflare, but everyone calls me Ash, I'm 18 years old, a werewolf, my inner wolf is called Atany, I have long wavy chocolate brown hair, jade green eyes, I smell like raspberries and I am part of the Willow Creek Pack of werewolves.

Who are my parents?? The right question is who were my parents? Why that? You see 10 years ago...it all happened 10 years ago...the town we all live in was attacked...by ruthless hunters...300 of them...they came to slaughter the whole town...they killed a whole lot of children 1st, and then they continued torturing the fathers by making them watch those filthy humans defile their mates in the most heinous of ways as they lay helplessly on the ground, wounded and unable to move, thanks to the poison that they had given them, while inflicting their wounds upon them. They killed...well, more like slaughtered most of the adults from the whole town...that's how it happened...that's how most of us lost our parents, siblings, families... So how did the rest of us survive??? That's....you see, there are two packs in this town, the new Alphas and Betas banded together, took the leftover pack warriors from both packs and killed off all the hunters...after all the fighting was finally over and every hunter was dealt with and killed off for the crimes that they had committed all of their bodies were burned to ashes and a graveyard for the deceased of both packs was made, one that's at the border of the two packs, to remind everyone that we need to ban together when we get attacked or we'll all die. From that tragic day forward we all agreed that no matter what differences we have with each other when the town's in danger we stick together, surviving is more important then fighting each other like idiots.

Anyway my parents were.... Anthony Blueflare, was my dad, he was a werewolf, 41 years old when he was killed 10 years ago, he had sand blond hair, pale blue eyes, he smelled like musk and he was the ex-beta of the Willow Creek Pack of werewolves. My mom, his mate, wife and the ex-female beta of the Willow Creek Pack of werewolves was Lorely Blueflare, she was a werewolf/witch, 36 years old when she was killed 10 years ago, she and I look like twins, she smelled like lilies and magic and she could control the wind. I love them both soo much still and I miss them both terribly.

Do I have any siblings? Yes, I have an older brother, his name's Damon Blueflare, he is the current pack Beta, ever since dad was killed, he's a werewolf, 25 years old, his inner wolf is called Domane, he looks just like dad and he smells like cinnamon and vanilla. How do I get along with my brother??? Well, I guess you could say that we do get along to some degree...it wasn't always like this, when we were little everything was great...after mom and dad killed everything changed, not only for me, but for all the members of both packs, I for one wasn't allowed out of the pack house for one whole year, Damon became super overprotective over me and wouldn't let anyone near me at all. Two years ago I just couldn't take it anymore, so we got into a nasty argument that escalated into a fight, which resulted in me beating his ass up in front of our whole pack. He stayed the Pack Beta, but only 'cause I didn't want the position and I still don't, being a pack's beta, any pack's beta is just not for me. Of course we're always a each other's throats, but that's only 'cause he thinks that at some point he might actually get strong enough to at least be my equal.

Where do we all live?? We all live in a big town called Barlington Town, and we all go to school at Barlington High School. You see this town has two packs, instead of one like most towns do, the pack that we are part of is called The Willow Creek Pack of werewolves and the other pack is called The Thunder Pack of werewolves. Do the two packs get along??? No, they don't they are bitter enemies, in spite of the not so recent events. Why are the two packs still bitter enemies, even after the hunter attack? The two Alpha families had a very big disagreement 350 years ago. Why?? What happened?? At that time the two packs were on peaceful terms with each other....one of the three daughters of Alpha Willow Creek found her mate... the current Beta of the Thunder Pack at that time...the two mates kept it a secret for as long as they could, but 2 years after they had found each other the two packs found out. How?? They couldn't take being apart anymore, so they marked each other and finished the mating process in secret. A meeting was held by both Alpha and Beta families and it turned ugly fast, none in the Thunder pack had any objections with the two mates, since they believe that one has the right to accept or reject one's mate, no matter the reason and they accept the consequences of that. But the Willow Creek members that participated in the meeting had differences of opinions. Most of the Willow Creek pack's Alpha family was against it, only the youngest daughter was on her eldest sister's side. The Willow Creek Beta family was against it too. Why were they all against it?? 'cause they all said that an Alpha, even if it's and an Alpha's daughter must mate with someone worthy, another Alpha, not a lowly, weak Beta. The Willow Creek Alpha himself killed his daughter, that's what started the whole war between the two packs.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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