Chapter 7 - A Witches Awakening

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Elyssa felt something wet and coarse across her cheek as she rolled over. She brushed her hand across her cheek to push it away. It was slightly cold and chilly, and a soft breeze rushed across her body. She shivered slightly from the cold and reached for her blanket, the big soft pile that was now pressed up against her back. It was good that the dream had ended even though she was curious as to where it would have gone with her crazy imagination.

It was definitely one of her oddest dreams, even by her standards, she thought as she felt the warm pile of blankets between her fingers. The covers felt so comforting, a stark contrast to how hard and cold her bed felt at the moment. The blanket was soft and warm, more so than usual, although she didn't pay much attention as she wrapped her fingers in it and gave it a pull.

The blanket didn't move. Not an inch. She grumbled and wondered what it could be caught on as a cold breeze once again swept over her. She was too tired to look as she gave it another tug. Again it didn't move. At least the heater must be starting up, she thought as she felt a bit of warm air on her neck.

"Elyssa wake up," a soft voice murmured to her.

"But it's still dark out....," she muttered back. She rolled over and wrapped her leg around her blanket. It was a bit furrier than she remembered it being, but it felt so warm she didn't really care. The warm air from her heater felt good on her face, although it had a slight smell that wasn't the most pleasant odor in the world.

"You really have to wake up hun. It's not good to be here right now...," the soft voice replied as it slowly prodded her on her shoulder.

"In a little bit...Why is it so cold..?" With that she yanked her blanket as hard as she could in hopes of pulling it free from whatever it was caught on.

A loud yelp ensued, and Elyssa was thrown off her blanket and back several feet. Her eyes snapped opened, still a bit blurry from her slumber. She tried to focus on what was going on around her while attempting to rise to her feet. She stumbled a bit as she did, still tired and slightly dizzy from rising too quickly. She felt a pair of soft arms grab her from behind, stopping her from falling to the ground.

"I know I said it wasn't safe to be here, but we don't have to leave quite that quickly..." a quiet and kind voice whispered from behind. Elyssa turned to see Annette holding her, an amused grin on her face. Elyssa stood in shock, and struggled as she tried to speak.

"It wasn't...a dream...?" she spoke with a quivering voice as she looked back into Annette's eyes. Gravely, Annette shook her head in response. Elyssa's eyes moved slowly down to her hand where she thought she was still gripping part of her blanket in her fist. Slowly and with fear she opened her hand. In it sat a tuft of dark black hair.

Her eyes raised, not a few feet from her she saw a large animal that appeared to be half wolf and half lion staring quizzically towards her. She recognized him instantly as Tobias, or at least the creature Tobias had turned into in her dream. He stood up and cautiously walked towards her. She hesitantly reached towards him with her hand, running it along his face and up through his mane as he sat down beside her.

"What's going on here...?" Elyssa could barely get the words to flow from her mouth. Her voice shook as the words left her lips. It wasn't a dream. The reality of everything that had just happened was starting to sink in.

She felt Annette take her hand gently in her own as she stepped beside her. There was a look of hesitation in Annette's eyes as she searched for the best way to explain everything that had just happened. She'd start, and then stop before saying a word. If Elyssa wasn't in the shock she currently found herself in she may have found it comical in nature but right now she just wanted answers.

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