Chapter - 17

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HIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!! Guess what. Hey, guess what.

*Whispers* I got .... INTERNET!! Yas! I can now continue to write stories pretty much every other day! Yay! That means that we can see more of the weird shit that Baba does. XD I am so happy! Are you guys happy? Oh and you that BEAUTIFUL wedding ring up there in the picture slot? Yeah, that's the ring that Baba gave Evelyn. Okay, before we go to the story I have one important question for you.... Who should be next? I'm going to be done with Baba around Chapter 20. So we need the next bidder. Is it going to be Ota? Eisuke? Mamoru? Soryu? WHO?? Okay so back to the story!!


Last Time On KBTBB;


Ashley hugs me then grabs my hands and says, "Your the best mom ever. I couldn't ever think of a bad thing about you." She smiles squeezing my hands. She notices something and looks down. She looks surprised. "M-Mom. I-Is that a.... WEDDING RING?!?!?!"


Baba's P.o.V.

2 Hours Before....

I can't stop thinking about Evelyn. She's back with me now, yes, but I feel like she is going to disappear again. I don't want her to leave me again. It hurt way to much. And now that I know we have a kid.... I want us to be a real family.

There is only one solution to this.

I have to plan it!

I needs to be perfect!

I leave a note for Evelyn saying I will be back soon. I walk down the stairs and see Ota sitting on the couch just relaxing. "Hey, uncle Ota" I tease. He looks up at me and frowns, "Only Ashley can call me that Baba." I frown at him. "You're no fun Ota." "Well your not Ashley." I smile saying, "But I made her didn't I? So in a weird logical way, I am Ashley." Ota doesn't say anything I laugh triumphantly.

"So where you off to, Baba?" Asks Ota bored. I decide to just tell Ota straight up of what my plan is. "I'm going to go and buy a wedding ring for Evelyn. I'm going to ask her to marry me."

Ota was quiet for a while. Then he stands up and hugs me. "Good for you." He pats my shoulder and pushes me toward the elevator. "Go get her ring! I'll snoop around Evelyn and see what kind of ring she would like!" "Wait! Don't make it to obvious!" "Its me, what could go wrong?"

And with that I was shoved into an elevator and off to find her the perfect ring.

Ota's P.o.V.

He's gonna marry her!! I'm really happy for him. They will be happy together forever! Now, I've gotta do my part here. I need to figure out what kind of dream ring Evelyn would want.

I see Evelyn in her and Baba's living room. "Heyy Evelyn!" I say with my usual smile. She sees me and smiles back. "Hey Ota. Do you need something?" "Yeah. You know I was thinking that you and Baba seem to be back to your usual selves before you left." She nods, "Yeah. I'm glad of that." "Do you ever think of being with Baba. I mean by law. Like marriage?"

The look on her face was priceless. Her face went blank and pale. "Umm. I guess I've thought of it before. But I don't know. Baba has never really been one to commit." I nod slowly. "True. But you guys have a kid now." "Yeah. I guess so." I sit down and say, "For arguments sake. Let's say you want to be married and Baba asks for what type of ring you would want. What would you say?"

She sits down too and thinks for a bit. "I've always loved the heart shaped rings with the couples names engraved inside. And I guess colors for a ring would probably be gold and silver." I smile knowing my plan worked perfectly. She's to hung up on thinking about marrying Baba that she didn't get suspicious of me asking her this. She isn't really bright. "Interesting." I say still smiling, "Oh and Evelyn. One more question?" "Yeah?" I look at her pleadingly, "Can you make me something to eat? Pleeaassee?" She sighs and nods. "OK. Let's go to the kitchen."

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