chapter 14

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ok TBH my phone is messed up and my wattpad isn't working so now i have to use my laptop to write the stories so sorry if it takes me longer to update im so use to the keyboard on my Iphone, and the keyboard on my laptop feels different!!! PLEASE READ ME BEAU BROOKS FANFIC??? Thx luv ya!<3


Zyanya's P.O.V

OKKKKKK we had all gotten back before Mikey's mom got home, so we stayed in Mikey's room watching Tv until we all fell asleep!!! Its was weird cuz when I woke up i saw that Justin and Bianca we asleep on the floor with blankets and that Me, Ary, and Mikey were sleeping on his bed!?! it was 12pm so i thought we should wake up and eat breakfast...

Me: guys wake up, it already 12

*still sleeping*

Me: guys come on lets go eat...?

Ary: SHUT UP *throws a pillow at my face*

Mikey: Zy just sleep in for 10 more minutes please?

Justin: yea please Zyanyita, we are really tired baby

Me: NO get up now you guys said to let you sleep in 10 more min at 10 and we slept for 2 more hours..

Bianca: ok ok guys lets go before mrs mad teapot blows her top off!!!

Mikey: fine fine fine, after breakfast we'll get ready and go out!!!

Justin: guys i think im staying home today...

Ary: why?

Justin: cuz i need to keep it low remember im !!!Justin Bieber!!! not justin bieber, so today im probably gonna just stay home and go to ICON with Nicolette!

Ary: right, right , right i forgot your not just our brother, your our brother and every girls dream boyfriend!!!

Justin: yea and its not that easy, Mikey understands me you guys wanted to be they're girlfriends

Me; ok yea but now that's different we are friends with them now and that would be weird, except for you Bi!!!

Bianca: ok i was gonna say are you not happy for me???

Mikey: haha that's funny you guys used to fan girl over us!

Me: shut up Mikey! ok whatever lets go downstairs and eat! Justin go and wake up Nicolette

Mikey: ok who knows how to make eggs?

Ary: are you kidding me? you don't know how to make eggs?

Mikey: no, am i supposed to

Me: she asked you that cuz even we know how to cook!

Mikey: oh ok good so can you make me breakfast

Ary:FINE but only because i want eggs to! Zyanya can you make some hash browns?

Me: yea sure, MIKEY your going to help me!

Mikey: Me help you? help you with what?

Me: ok put the hash browns on the cooking tray, and then after 10 min the alarm will ring and then you Mikey will grab a fork and flip them over and set the oven for 10 min again, ok is that clear?

Mikey: ok yea sure i think i got it down girl!

Me: ok good well lets get started!!!

Ary: the eggs are done, and i put some ham in it if you don't mind?

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