The Night That Started It All

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Words: 1733

Warnings: Sexual material near the end.

Plot: Aster and Zane both like each other, but don't know that. Aster tells Jaden and Zane tells Syrus, then the pair get together. :) 

Aster Phoenix was a strong dualist; however that didn't change the fact that he'd fallen hard for his worst enemy. Zane Truesdale. The one boy that Aster had desperately hoped never to fall for, but his feelings obviously didn't care much for him. Soon enough, Aster had to avoid Zane like he had the plague. If the cyber wielding dualist ever found out about the erotic thoughts that Aster had, then he would never be able to face the world again.

Sure, Aster had had a few other crushes in his time at Dual Academy, but never one that caused the kind of thoughts that he had been having lately. The poor silver haired boy had had to excuse himself to the bathroom several times this week, especially when Zane had bent down in front of the boy. It was starting to become a recurring problem. But it was now getting more serious. It didn't matter what Zane was doing or had done, Aster couldn't look at him without growing hard.

The worst part was that Chancellor Shepherd planned a match between Zane and Aster, therefore meaning that Aster was either going to have to ignore the feelings he had towards the boy, or simply embarrass himself. Both wouldn't help him much and the second one looked like it was going to happen no matter what he did.

"Aster, you ready for your dual?" Jaden asked, looking at the silver haired dualist.

Just by the look in Aster's eyes Jaden could tell he had a crush on someone, and the bulge in the boy's tight fitting trousers was also another indication of this. Chuckling lightly Jaden patted his friend on the shoulder. He already knew that it was most likely a boy. Seeing as he was the only person that knew that the great Aster Phoenix was bisexual, but liked boys slightly more than girls.

"Y-yea..." Aster stuttered out, his voice cracking and showing how much this problem was affecting him.

"So who do ya like, Aster?" Jaden asked, making the other boy blush and look down. 

"N-no one..." Aster protested, still looking down and trying to hide the blush.                                             

"It's Zane isn't it?" Jaden teased; a small smirk painted on his face.

Jaden watched as the other boy's head shot up, looking at him with wide eyes. At that point Jaden knew he was right. Aster liked Zane. Jaden knew, from his many conversations with Syrus, that the feeling was in fact shared. Zane liked Aster back, but refused point blank to admit his feelings. He felt that it would make him less of a man.

As night fell on the island, Zane decided to take a little stroll in the forest. It was a calming place, where  nothing could really harm him. It was this that always relaxed him after a stressful day of avoiding Aster. He didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of the boy who'd made him so happy. Aster was to one person who had brought Zane back from the darkness. He was the reason that Zane had returned. Also he was the reason that Zane was back to the cheerful and happy soul that he was before the underground duals.

Those terrifying duals were fought to keep the few people that Zane actually cared for safe. He didn't want them hurt. So when he told Jaden to look after Syrus and make sure they got home safely, from the grips of Yubel, he was pleased at Jaden's work. Jaden had managed to rescue his friends and turn back on the whole event. Showing his friends that he really cared for them, all of them but Zane needed proof that Jaden had changed.

Aster Phoenix x Zane Truesdale One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now