I Miss You, My Love

516 18 0

Word Count - 1013

Warnings - Slight Depression (no death or self harm though)

Aster Phoenix to some was an arrogant, egotistical, rich kid. But to his friends he was fun loving, caring and didn't care about the money he had. He'd easily give up all the money he had, for one more moment with the man he'd loved. Unfortunately for Aster that wasn't possible.

When Zane's heart had failed in the dark dimension, Aster wasn't there to say goodbye or even say that he loved the boy. Instead Aster was in the stars, thanks to Adrian and Exodia. So here Aster was, half listening to the lesson, while thinking of his beloved boyfriend.

"Aster, you ok buddy?" Jaden asked, poking Aster's arm lightly.

"Y-yea..." Aster replied, his voice shaking slightly.

Tears began to well up in the silver haired boy's arms. He didn't want to cry in class, not with so many people around to see. Looking down at the desk, he let a couple of stray tears drip from his eyes. Hoping that this class would end soon, so that he could go to his boat and be alone, Aster wiped the tears and looked up.

Hearing the bell finally go, Aster jumped out of his seat, grabbing his backpack and making a hasty exit. Managing to hold the tears in, Aster ran to the docks. Sighing when he saw his boat, waves crashing against the side of it, like his emotions right now. Once he got to the boat, he let his emotions get the better of him. The tears started to fall from his eyes rapidly, sobs over taking him.

While the poor boy was sobbing his heart out on the docks, the others were looking for him. They had been worried about him since they got back, after they'd yelled at Jaden for doing nothing wrong really. He didn't have a choice in the dual he was in with Brron; he didn't control the other attacks, the first he did control. But that was only because he didn't know the dangers of attacking.

Jaden slipped away from the rest of the group, following Yubel's directions to the docks. Reaching the docks Jaden found Aster's boat, and decided to board the vessel. Upon entering the boat, it was apparent to Jaden that Aster was still beating himself up about Zane dying. The silver haired boy's sobs were loud and clear to anyone near or on the boat.

Jaden found the silver haired boy, lying on the bed, holding a photo of Zane. Sighing softly, Jaden carefully pulled the older boy into a hug. He knew that he in no way could fill the hole left in his heart, but he wanted to at least comfort the boy. Once the sobbing died down, Jaden looked at the silver haired boy. His face was bright red, tears still streaming down his face.

Hours later, Jaden went back to the Slifer dorms, deciding that he was going to find away to bring Zane back. He didn't know how he was going to do it, but he was going to try. The minute the Slifer opened the door to his room, he was inevitably, bombarded with questions.

It had been about a week now. And no one had heard or seen Aster. They weren't even sure if he was alive still. So when the silver haired boy appeared at Jaden's dorm, while everyone was there, he got so many questions thrown at him. Shrinking back slightly as Syrus attempted to hug him. He didn't want to hug the brother of the man he loved. He felt too weird about it.

"W-where's J-Jaden?" Aster asked, looking down.

"Out by the lighthouse..." Chazz said, not even interested in the silver haired dualist.

Leaving the room, Aster headed for the lighthouse, which was only a short walk away. Upon reaching the lighthouse he looked towards the Slifer. The Slifer was talking to himself, or more like to Yubel. Sighing Aster walked towards the other boy.

"Hey, Aster, guess what?" the Slifer squealed happily upon seeing Aster.

"What?" Aster asked, not in the mood for any of Jaden's mind games, he wanted a straight answer.

"Turn round!" Jaden said, smiling like a mad man.

Turning round, Aster didn't see anything remotely interesting. Looking up a little, Aster noticed mistletoe. Opening his mouth to say some smart comment to Jaden, the silver haired boy turned around. When familiar lips pressed towards his, Aster knew who was kissing him. It was Zane, his beloved boyfriend.

Pulling out of the kiss, Aster looked to see Zane's dark blue hair and amazing eyes staring deeply into his own eyes. Smiling softly at his boyfriend, Aster gave a small giggle of joy. He had Zane back. That's all that mattered to him right now.

"I missed you, Aster." Zane whispered, pulling the boy into his arms.

"I missed you too, Zane. Please never leave me again..." Aster said, tears streaking down his face.

Jaden turned on his heel and headed back to the dorms, feeling happy that he'd made someone happy. That's all he ever wanted – to make people laugh and smile – and that's what he'd done today. Looking back towards the happy couple, he grinned as their hands intertwined, lips locked in a loving kiss, arms around each other.

Walking back into the dorm, Jaden sighed happily, before noticing the rest of his friends. They were all curious as to where Jaden had been, and as to where the silver haired boy had disappeared to this time.

"Let's just say, me and Yubel have done some serious work lately, and brought someone back to their lover..." Jaden said, flopping onto his bunk.

"What?" the rest of the group asked, confusion filling their voices and minds.

A sharp knock on the door knocked several of the group out of their thoughts. Getting up and opening the door, Syrus' eyes widened. Standing in front of him was his older brother, Zane, the same boy who hadn't returned from the dark realm.

Squealing and pulling his brother into a hug, Syrus couldn't believe it. This must have been what Jaden had been doing. This would explain a lot of the strange occurrences lately. Like the fact that Jaden had been slightly ignoring the group.

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