Day 3

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Dear Diary ,
As the days were rolling in I am wishing they go slow . I went to Chipotle with the girls and it was a blast I also saw Luke there with some of his friends I was also surprise to not see goat tagging along with him . As usually I began blushing and playing cute . I really think he noticed it . Andrew on the other hand came by the table asking if he can sit along with us . I really wanted to say no but he really is a sweet guy and he is very muscular only if that face would change . I mean I'm not judging but I am seeing improvements with him . But anyways he ate with us and he decided to put me on his Snapchat . I was surprise to see how he looked on his photos . 😱 it was shocking . After a while me and the girls disconnected and he asked if me and him can chill . I agreed with it and could have seen jealously in Luke's eyes . He got up and came to the table and grabbed me and hugged me . Andrew jumped up in a loud voice and said " Why wouldn't you go play with your little ugly girlfriend , and back off Paris you don't deserve her " Luke said in return " Little Smurf why would she want you , you are a premature boy who doesn't even know what sex is ". I got very mad at Luke and took a stand with Andrew and told Luke to quit it he started walking off . And Andrew began starring at me as usual . We went to the zoo for our Biology assignment . He hold my hand throughout that journey. I felt a thing for this guy 💕 then he got me ice cream and took me home and kissed me on my hand and walk me to the door . He greeted my dad and left .
I like Andrew but I'm not quite sure , it can probably be a phase but we'll see tomorrow in school .

~Paris 💕

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