She crying on our spot . Is she ok.
"Colton" sniff "oh thank god your here "
"What happen" in sitting in the tree next to her
"Well my dad die 4 months ago and my moms on her death bed"
"Man, thats bad"
"Yeah my mom can die any day now and i just here in this tree like everyday i do crying and screaming , no one comes here anymore."
"Why were you screaming"
"I need a friend and no one here, the near house is 10 miles,they all left me , so i scream any one i need any one, today i wrote your name in my book and i look up your here .why are you here?"
"You dont want to know"
"Try me" she had that smirk that i loved
"Well, after i moved i hang out with these kids who were doing drugs. And i started to use too. And i am bad kid you know the rocker. No more country boy. He died when my dad it."
She sat there sobbing. As i comfort her. I still like her. "Moon .... i.....

That One Summer
Teen FictionA boy is forced to spend a summer with is grandpa . Where he used to live. country boy gone bad. one night after a party, the boy starts to go back to his old traits. One trip around the block thats it, he opens the door to see..