~Halika And Ender~

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           This is me... Halika DreFrost. The girl of my past, the girl in my future, and the girl in my present. The weird, nerdy, on the verge of falling into the category of cute, girl. I've got problems. I've got feelings. I've got flaws. I've made stupid mistakes... but most of all, I have my strengths that push me through everything my life can throw at me. Sure, I was probably... maybe a bit-- no. Extremely scared of what would be thrown at me the next day, if it was words or rocks. Because as soon as it happened, I knew that words weren't just words. That "I love you" isn't just shapes you make with your mouth and at the moment you say it, it'll just fade into thin air. Just because you can't see what's being said doesn't mean that it means anything less, because only you can think what you want to think of it. Someone special told me that. His name was Ender DreFrost. The boy who asked me if I was okay. But! That's the past. The past exists, but only in one place. Our minds and our hearts. Ender was only 19 when he died. He was sent out to face boulders and while he was facing every single one of them... he was facing his death. 

~Little Snowflake~

Ender: Mom, you can't just force--

Mrs. DreFrost: Honestly, Ender. Grow up! You're 14 already. Learn how to make time for things that are important to you.

Ender: Then how come I'M NOT the one trying to provide my own time for something else? 

Mrs. DreFrost: Because that something else shouldn't exist on your agenda, it's worthless and a waste of time.

Ender: -glares at her- First of all, Halika is not an IT. She is a she and she isn't worthless or a waste of time! She's a human being. She's only 10 years old. And I'd rather ditch practice than leave her to sulk in her room alone. 

Mrs DreFrost: Do you know how much you depend on training!?

Ender: Do YOU know how much Halika depends on me?! 

Mrs. DreFrost: I never planned to have her, Ender! -immediately slaps a hand over her mouth the minute she says it-

Ender: H-how can you admit that so clearly? -shakes his head-

Mrs. DreFrost: Honestly, Ender! Accept it!

Ender: Accepts it?! You expect me to a-accept that YOU as a mother can just admit that without hesitation, without feeling sorry? Oh wait, you put your hand over your mouth didn't you? -says sarcastically- Awww, I'm sorry. I feel SO guilty now. Just kidding because you show no hint of guilt!! Ever! Monster. 

Mrs. DreFrost: Well, too bad, huh? Because in training, you learn how to beat monsters!! But who's the one who refuses this?! YOU! 

Ender: You know what, mom? You can go to training without me, because I know for A FACT that you just want me there to show off and to defend yourself when you are too weak to do it yourself. Well, guess what?! I'd rather die without you than with you!

Mrs. DreFrost: ENDER!

Ender: MOM!

Mrs. DreFrost: -takes a deep breath- She was never a mistake... -looks down- Gawd, Ender...

Ender: How dare you..? Liar!

Mrs. DreFrost: She was never ever, ever... a mistake or accident or a failure. She was supposed to be aborted, because I was going to die, because of her.. But I had her anyway so you wouldn't feel so lonely, and so you'd have someone to protect and love when your father and I get sent out to ElseWhere. -cries-

Ender: -sniffs- I don't know how you can lie. Or even say that she would be the death of you. The death of you, would be Death himself. Not a little girl. -turns and goes to Halika's room-

(Theme-  )

Halika: -curls up in her bed, breathing heavily-

Ender: Hali...? Can I--

Halika: -peeks at him from under the blanket, showing him a pained look- 

Ender: You heard everything, didn't you?

Halika: -sniffs- No... of course n-not. -sits up-

Ender: -goes and sits on her bed- Hey... a rough day so far, huh?

Halika: Yea, not so good.

Ender: Awh, -puts an arm her shoulder- It gets better, my little snowflake. 

Halika: I can't see it getting any better.

Ender: Don't be like that, now. 

Halika: How can I not when I know that my birth could've killed my own mother? How much pain should each birthday feel to the both of us..?

Ender: I know, it's not the best news to hear, it sucks, But! That doesn't mean its the end of the world. 

Halika: -looks down, not replying-

Ender: Are you okay?

Halika: -looks up at him with tears in her eyes- I'm not! I'm not! 

Ender: -pulls her to him, hugging her tightly- Hey...

Halika: -immediately wipes the tears from her eyes- Thank you for asking..

Ender: Don't you get asked that? You know, when you're hurt?

Halika: No. I wish..

Ender: Oh.. -looks at her, letting her go- See, you aren't crying anymore. -slightly smiles- Wanna know why I call you my little snowflake?

Halika: Sure... 

Ender: because you're a beautiful, unique and delicate girl... but, you are very hard and brittle on the outside, which means your strong even though you're delicate. Because even when you melt, you come back again, and each time you come back, you're different. You're special. 

Halika: -blinks several times, tears falling down her rosy cheeks, then hugs him, burying her face in his chest- 

Ender: -smiles- Be different, Little Snowflake. Be strong and be beautiful. Because you know what...? You are all of those things, without a doubt. -strokes her hair, gently- I love you, Hali... -kisses her hair- 


well... then... I almost cried when I read this over. Is that bad?? 

Halika Rin DreFrost~ The Girl Of The Past, Present and Even The Future...Where stories live. Discover now