[0.5] - " chicken breast "

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From: xiutaimin@xxx.com 

To: wenjunhui@xxx.com 

Subject: Re: why can't we be friends? 

i said not to call me princess, you dick bagel. 

just because i don't know who you are, doesn't mean i can't judge you based on your actions, 'junhui'. and based on your actions, youre a raw chicken breasted piece of shit.

i dont care if nobody asked me to pour my feelings out??? nobody told you to pretend to be someone you're not until the last sentence and then be a dick about it afterwards. 

i dont have to appreciate anything from you, but it really doesn't matter in the slightest. you and i are not even acquaintances and certainly not friends in any way. as far as im concerned, you mean nothing to me lol bye.

xiu taimin is a great name, no kidding. didn't anyone also teach you not to give your name to strangers, wen junhui? 

i might consider the possibility of friends whenever you decide to apologize for being a dick falcon.

xoxo - taimin.

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