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Solace didn't have time to think. He grabbed Nanna and ran as the paths began to cave in. With his free hand, he summoned a portal and jumped through.

= =

He rolled to a halt at Notch's feet, the portal collapsing.

"Solace!" Herobrine rose from his seat.

"Father, the temple is gone, the fortress is gone."


"Overworlders, they attacked us!"

Notch helped Nanna to her feet, "I was worried about that."

"Why would they attack us?"

"Graze and Buttercup must have informed them of what happened 3 months ago. They must have planned it, too."

"Graze? Buttercup? I thought they were in your dungeon."

Notch glared at his brother, "You didn't tell him the truth?"


"Goodness, brother."

"You tell him," he sneered.

"Solace," he sighed, "Graze and Buttercup were never captured. They managed to escape several minutes afterwards. They had been in hiding and have eluded capture since them."

"What?" He chuckled darkly, "What are you saying? That this entire time, part of me felt that she got justice when the whole time she hadn't?! And now, I've lost her for good. How could you keep this from me? What is wrong with you both?!?!"

"Solace calm down."

"Why shoULD I?! THEY NEED TO PAY FOR WHAT THEY DID!! THEY WILL SUFFER EVERY LAST ONE!" His voice rose to a deep, throaty growl as he lowered his head.

"Solace calm down this instance!" Herobrine stood up, suddenly concerned.

"I said...," his eyes began to glow white, his face twisting into an a dull expression, "Why should I..?"

A beacon of light burst from him, piercing through the roof of Notch's mansion. The orbs that were resting on his shoulders, began to morph and mutate.

"Nothing matters anymore except Aura.. She will get justice, she deserves it. She can't rest until then, and as her brother I will make sure she rests."

Two more heads formed from the memory orbs. Solace's own forming into one resembling the other two. His whole body cracked and contorted into a horrifying skeletal like form with no legs and arms.

"Get Admin!" Notch called to his guards.

"No!" His brother tackled him, "Everyone! Get! Down!"

They obeyed and dropped to the floor as an explosion sent a poisonous cloud into the air as he finally completed his form. Solace rose into the skies and began to fire heads of a deathly poison into the city.

The citizens down below scrambled for cover as pieces of their buildings crashed down. Solace hovered over everyone letting death rain down on them. A head exploded into a frightened crowd. Several dropped to the ground and withered away.

= =

"This is utter chaos!" Notch watched in horror, Admin silent and furious beside him.

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