chapter one ❥

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Hey this is my first story and I really hope     you guys like it

Don't forget to comment at the end of every chapter with thoughts on the chapter so far. ❤️

I now present

The Maid



Analicia ^

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Analicia ^


Analicia's Outfit ^

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Analicia's Outfit ^

Analicia's POV:
Waking up to the sound of her alarm clock right in her ear makes Analicia groan in exhaustion and irritation due to the fact she couldn't sleep any longer, turning off the clock before getting out of bed grabbing a towel and heading into the bathroom closing the door behind her.

Taking off the clothes she slept in before slipping into her walk in shower the warm water turning on running down her curvy body. She washes her body with her scented body wash than she washes her hair,  shortly after ending her shower she makes her way back into her bedroom.

In her bedroom, she dries off putting on some lotion after she then puts on her undergarments, she walks to her closet slipping on a pair of light blue ripped jeans that fit nicely and her white t-shirt with her grey crew cardigan that was cropped she than finishes her outfit by putting on her pink UGGS.

Walking into the bathroom taking out the blow dryer using it on her hair quickly before straightening it, she than puts on a little bit of mascara before grabbing her toothbrush and brushing her teeth she rinses her mouth with water before turning off the light to the bathroom walking back into her bed room.

She grabs her phone and car keys before walking downstairs and straight out the door locking the door behind her before getting in her car and driving off to her new job.



Getting to her new job pretty quickly she parks in the street across from the house before walking up to the front door knocking on it once than twice than three times. The third time a guy with white hair, wearing a black shirt with some jeans opens the door with a yawn "You must be Analicia the new maid ?" He asks looking down at her "Yea that would be me." she says" with a smile "Come on in than shawty." He says walking into the house.

Shutting the door behind her the aroma of weed hits her nose making her inhale enjoying the smell, she smoked from time to time on her free time "I'm Sammy by the way." He said shaking her hand before walking away she follows him seeing he had lead her into the kitchen. Sammy walks through the kitchen to the back door opening it a large pit bull runs inside the house straight towards her "And this is Baxter." He says she smiles before crouching down to pet him.

"Your boss isn't here at the moment but he will be back soon." He says making her look at him standing up "Your not the boss?" She asks he looks at her and lets out a laugh "Nah shawty I'm just his bro." He says with a smile making her nod she than looks around the kitchen taking in how big it was.

"Is there like a list of what I'm supposed to do or things he would like done?" She asks looking at Sammy making him shrug "I don't know all he said was I'm expecting my new maid today so don't leave." He says walking into the living room Baxter following him. Looking around the kitchen seeing how messy it was she opens the drawer under the sink finds all kinds of cleaning supplies.

She grabs a garbage bag and a pair of gloves before starting to clean up the kitchen filling up the bag quickly she ties it before walking outside throwing out the garbage than walking back inside. Wiping down the counter before throwing away her gloves she smiles seeing the kitchen was spotless, wanting to tell Sammy she was done she starts to walk to the the living room she stumbles into a hard chest.

"Sorry Sammy I didn't mean to bump into you..." She trails off looking up to see the guy she bumped into was definitely not Sammy.



This guy had light brown hair that was tied up into a messy man bun his lips were nice and plump his eyes were a dreamy green brown color he also had slight facial hair that made him more attractive. Noticing he wasn't wearing a shirt his tattoos were on display as well as his muscles feeling his cold fingers on her waist makes her blush.

Getting a hold of herself she pushes herself away from his chest the warm feeling of his fingers going away making her slightly sad
"You must be Analicia. My new maid." He says looking down at her in awe hearing him say her name sends shivers down her spin his voice was smooth but also deep every word flowing out with confidence. She looks at him with a smile "Yea I am and you are?" She asks with a little bit of attitude he looks at her "Mm it's Nate babygirl but you can call me anything you want." He says with a smirk.

Ignoring his comment with a simple roll of her eyes "So is there anything you need to be cleaned?" She asks wanting to start a different conversation He looks down at her licking his lips the height difference between them was very noticeable, she knew he was thinking about something that didn't have anything to do with cleaning the house "Hm the living room needs some cleaning up." He says smiling down.

Walking into the living room seeing it needed to be vacuumed she walks to closet bringing the vacuum into the living room seeing Sammy passed out on the couch making her laugh softly, She plugs in the vacuum and starts to clean she looks over and sees Nate watching her every move causing her to blush but she continues to clean.

She finishes before deciding to wipe down the glass table that was in the middle of the two couches she finishes quickly before putting everything back into the closet she walks into the living room seeing Nate had woken up Sammy he sends her a smile and she smiles back "Pretty nice job." Nate says looking at her "Thank you." She says smiling at him.



Nate and Sammy start to talk there own stuff she excuses herself and walks into the kitchen making sure everything was still clean she than turns around seeing Nate leaning against the kitchen cabinet she looks at him up and down seeing his perfectly defined abs she gulps slightly "H-hey." She says "Wassup shawty." He says with a smile back "So how did you like the first day?" He asks sitting on the counter she smiles getting closer to him "It was great, I look forward to working here." She says He than stands up walking over to her getting closer and closer.

He leans in his breath on her ear "Here is your first check." He whispers to her his lips lightly brushing her ear, she takes the check from him her cheeks very pink he backs away from her with a smirk "I'll see you tomorrow Analicia." he says giving her earlobe a kiss before walking away making her bite her lip a little getting a hold of herself before walking into the living room saying good bye to Sammy.

Walking outside to her car opening the door before getting in she turns around looking back at Nate's house seeing he was standing at his bedroom window he winks at her before closing the curtain.

Thinking to herself this job is going be a lot harder then she thought.


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