2;The Library, The Shepherd

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After Izana had finished talking to the village Elder, he asked a question. "I'd like to know who the woman with the blue hair was." Izana asked.

"Oh, Umi. She lives outside the village as a Shepherd. Well, an assistant shepherd that is." A Shepherd? Izana thought. "She is also my granddaughter. Although, she doesn't speak to me or any of the villagers." The elder sighed.

"I met her." Izana told him.

The old man looked at him with a shocked expression. "Did--did she talk?"

The prince nodded his head and stood up. "Where outside the village does Umi live?"

"West. May I ask why you want to know?"

"She interests me." He walks to the door, opening it, then turning to the man, giving him a nod. "Thank you for your assistance tonight."


Umi sat on the porch of the cottage on the hill. It was made of logs and bricks. Smoke from the bricked chimney floated into the sky. Off into the distance you could see the lights from the village. Umi watched the sun set into the ocean. It was so peaceful. Behind her cottage, a little ways off, was a barn. It sheltered the sheep she took care of.

Umi's dog, Ein, came running up to her. She smiled and patted his head which he placed on her lap. She looked up and saw that the sun had gone down and the sky had turned into dark shades of blue. "Let's go get another book." She said to Ein who yipped in response. "Okay." She stood and walked to town, along with the corgi. Along the way, she spotted a carriage heading her way. "Hm?" Umi stepped to the side as the carriage moved forward, but instead of it moving on, it stopped in front of her.

The door opened and there was the man. "Izana Wistaria, was it?" Umi asked. "Why are you here?"

"I came to see where you live." He said.

"Izana, that seems a bit suspicious." She squinted her eyes at him.

Izana was a bit taken aback because she used his first name, which was a first. No one called him that, well, anyone lower than him. "I guess it does seem a bit suspicious." He scratched the back of his head. "I didn't mean anything like that."

"Huh, whatever." She turned and continued to walk down to the village.

"Wait! Where are you going?" He stuck his head out of the door.

Umi turned to look at him and pointed to the lights of the homes ahead. "The library." She turned back around and Ein barked at him, then sassily snapped around to his owner and walked beside her.

Izana stepped out of the carriage and ran after her. "Might I accompany you?" He asked and walked beside her.

She stopped in her tracks and faced him. "Why are you so interested in me?" She was suspicious yet again.

Izana turned to face her, as well and got a distant look on his face. Why? "Well, for one, you are very different than the women I've met." He said.

"'For one'?" She asked.

"Uh..." He was unsure of how to answer.

Umi sighed. "I felt like we didn't exactly have a good 'meeting', or so to say." She held her hand out to him. "Hello, my name is Umi Eden. Its a pleasure to meet you."

He looked at her hand then to her eyes. The corners of his lips twitched and he took her small hand in his. "Izana Wistaria, prin--" He cut himself off. He didn't want her to know because that might change her perspective of him. "It is a pleasure, indeed."

blue butterfly (IZANA WISTARIA ◎ akagami no shirayukihime)Where stories live. Discover now