Lets start from the beginning

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Riley's POV

I lay flat on my stomach, holding my yellow pencil in my mouth as I flip through my SAT book. Being eighteen sucks ass when all you do is prepare for these stupid SAT's. It's even worse around spring because of finals and shit like that coming up. All I do with my life is study and study some more. It's even worse with my dad being my history teacher, keeping his eyes on my like a hawk at all times making sure I don't get out of his site and I do as he says.

I spit out the pencil as I watch the window, creakily slide up to reveal a blonde with a mischievous smile.

Maya Hart, also known as my best friend in the whole world. Unlike myself her Saturday night plans included partying and drinking, making out with strangers and going off to do wild and crazy things. She says its her plan to do everything on her bucket list before graduation in two months.

"Hola." She smirks, running a hand through her long wavy locks. She purses her lips as she walks over to me, shutting my book and picking it up.

I roll my eyes in an annoyed way, sitting up on my knees trying to snatch it back. She yanks it away and throws it across the room, hitting my dresser.

I give her the stink eye and all she does it give me a taunting laugh. "Why the hell did you do that?!" I ask through gritted teeth.

Maya stuck her hands into her pockets and gave me a sly grin. "We're going out tonight." She said in her usual snarky tone. I raised an eyebrow and let out a laugh.

"That's cute." I replied, getting off my bed, hurrying over to my book.

A grunt and groan were released from her red lips, forcing me to slowly turn toward her as she tapped her foot impatiently. "Riles! Come on we're eighteen years old!" She complained. I clutched the heavy book to my stomach, biting my lip uneasily.

"I have to study, something you wouldn't understand how to do." I said not even realizing how harsh and bitter my words were. Maya scoffed and folded her arms over her chest, making a face at me.

"Actually! I do know how to study!" She spat, giving me daggers as I hurried past her. I plopped back down on my bed and brought my knees to my chest.

"Peaches," I started. "I didn't mean it like that, I meant that well you're more of the party girl. The girl who knows how to have fun and live her life while I'm stuck over here not even knowing how to go to the movies alone." I sighed, fiddling with my thumbs.  Maya's expression softened up and she sat next to me.

"Look, all you do is study and work hard. I want you to be happy and live your life a little. It's one thing to make your parents proud but it's another to think about yourself. It's just one party, what's the worst that could happen?"

Her last sentence had me stiff. Lots of stuff could happen. Someone could give me a drug or I could drink and drive or possibly lose my virginity to some stranger for crying out loud. But Maya didn't seem to care about stuff like that.

I rested my head against Maya's shoulder and let out a sigh, biting my lip slowly as she rubbed my arm. "Come to the party, it's going to be fun." Maya reassured.

I was a senior, I mean, how much trouble could I possibly get myself into. Slowly I sat myself up and let a small smile crack open. "Alright, I'm gonna come to the party."

Maya's eyes lit up and a grin formed against her cheeks. "Atta girl!" She smirked, grabbing my hand and yanking me into my closet.

After a shower, loose makeup, tight skirts, and hair pulling later I stood in front of the mirror, seeing something completely different than I normally gaze upon.

My usual messy bun and loose clothes turned into long straight locks and a tight little skirt. I suddenly felt a sneaky grin form on my face as Maya stood next to me. The red lipstick complimented to the bad girl attire I was going for, even if I was the most innocent child on the face of the earth.

I slowly turned to Maya and grinned. "So, how do I look?" I asked, spinning around in a small circle. She clapped her hands a little and chuckled.

"Fabulous." She teased. I smiled and walked over to my dresser to grab my phone but she stopped me.

"What?" I asked confused. Maya took my phone and placed it into my sock drawer.

"You can't take your phone. You'll be on it all night because your dad is gonna be blowing it up with messages and you'll feel guilty about the party and want to go home. The only logical solution is to leave it here." Maya sighed, grabbing my hand. I felt an uneasy and uncomfortable knot form in the pit of my stomach. I didn't like Maya's choices very much but maybe she was right and I needed to loosen it up a tad.

A sigh escaped my lips and I nodded, following her out the window. I was scared out of my mind but at the same time I enjoyed the rush of heat going through my body. Sneaking out to a downtown party was pretty exciting if I do say so myself.

We climbed into Maya's red mustang and she roared out of my street. I relaxed into the leather seat and smiled slightly.

"So, who's all at this party?" I smiled, twirling my hair. Maya raised her eyebrows and tightened the grip on her steering wheel.

"Oh well you know Zay, Missy, Farkle, Lucas." A grin appeared as she said his name. My heart stopped for a split second, Lucas Friar.

I had the biggest damn crush on that boy ever since the seventh grade. My crush faded out as I entered high school and got more into my school work and stuff. I could feel my cheeks getting hot, knowing Maya could see me blushing.

"Oh." I simply replied, trying to keep myself calm. Maya nudged me a little and grinned slyly.

"I know you still like him." She cooed, licking her upper lip. I froze and turned to her sharply.

"What?!" I spat. "No! Of course not! I outgrew that! He's a popular jock now and I'm a daddy's girl who stays home to study every night in her bedroom!" Okay maybe I went a little far there. Maya's grin deepened and her eyes lit up with excitement.

"Come on Riley, how could you not like him? Hell even I liked him." Ah yes how could I forget the Texas tragedy back in eighth grade.

"I don't like him, now drop it." I protested, letting out an annoyed groan. Maya picked up the vibe I was trying to throw her way and remained quiet as a mouse in her seat, focusing back on the road.

The car drive was long and silent but I was glad to not have to talk anyhow. She pulled up to an old loft. It seemed dingy and gross from the outside. I felt weird about going inside, scared to find it be a trap of some sort.

"Is this the place?" I asked as Maya got out. She laughed at me and motioned for me to follow her. I nodded and followed Maya down the sidewalk and up the fire escape. Immediately I thought of my bay window, then my room, then my phone in my dresser, and my dad calling wondering where I was. I was over powered with guilt and stopped midway as we were climbing.

"Riles!" Maya hissed. "Hurry up!" She whined.

"I have to go home! I can't lie to my dad and mom like this!" I cried out. Maya rolled her eyes and gave me a look.

"Get your ass up here!" She commanded, climbing up to the balcony. I pouted and followed, meeting her there to find a guy who seemed to be on every drug in the book standing next to the door. Maya linked arms with me and grinned.

"She's with me." Maya said. The guy nodded and opened the door for us, inside revealing a bunch of people. My stomach started churning again at the thought of being here, the smell of alcohol filling the air. But suddenly these nasty thoughts filling my head changed as I saw Lucas Friar walk out onto the dance floor, holding one of those red solo cups in his hand.

I grinned goofily and stared at him awkwardly, he noticed and smiled up at me a little before someone pulled him away and into the crowd of people.

He noticed me, Lucas Friar noticed me! Maybe Maya was right about this being a good idea after all.

Hey lovelies! So that was the first chapter! Sorry it didn't have any Riley and Lucas but I needed an opener for my new story. Next chapter will definitely be more interesting and this story will have some crazy twists I promise. I'll be updating almost everyday so yay! Thank you for reading and comment your thoughts :)))

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