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Jason leads us to the back garage door which takes us to his most prized possessions, his cars. Grabbing my hand and heading towards the chrome Lamborghini, he opens the passenger side door for myself to enter. Plopping into the seat, he shuts my door after seeing I'm situated.

Walking around the back to hop into the drivers seat, he looks to me and smiles while slipping his sun glasses on before putting the key in the ignition and starting up the engine, backing out of the garage we head out of the driveway.

"Where are we going to first?" I question. " Where ever you want. Any special requests?" Jason looks to me, and smiles his charming smile. "Can we stop by the outlet mall? I have some things in mind."

"Absolutely" He smiles.


Once we arrive to the mall, Jason exits and hands the keys to a valet. Opening my door, he intertwines our fingers. "Where to m'lady?" Twisting my lips up in question as to where I wanted to visit first, I spot a pet shop. I point and say "I want to look at some animals before we do anything." Jason chuckles, probably at how much of a little kid I am.

Strolling over to the little shop named 'Ted's Animal Sanctuary', walking into the doors a bell rings on the door knob. "Welcome, welcome!" a gentleman with a name tag that reads 'George' greets us. Going around a corner I spot some furry gerbils, small but rather fluffy guinea pigs, and some mice. looking through the creatures, I turn to see Jason twitch.

"Everything alright, Jase?" I speak.

"Just peachy. Can we leave this aisle? The way these disgusting things are looking at me gives me the creeps." He expresses.

"Just give me a sec, and they're not disgusting. They are a gift to this planet just like you and I are. Don't judge, appreciate." I chide.

"Alright fine. But hurry, please." He urges.

"Okay." I giggle back to his kooky behavior. Finishing up gazing at the critters, and grabbing Jason's hand I pull him 'round the corner to where I find the most dainty puppies and kittens. Gasping loudly, yanking Jason to where the adorable dogs were barking and wagging their tales to the newly found attention giver.

"Oh my goodness! Jase, look at how cute they are!" I exclaim softly.

"Loral, as much as I would love to get you one, it wouldn't be safe with the way we live." He explained with a look of regret.

"That's right. I don't know what I was thinking. That we could get a pet together and try to act like a normal couple."

"Lo, look at me. You of all people know why, and if I could've prevent anything from happening to my parents just so that we could be together and do normal things like going out in public and getting a pet, I would." He whispers loudly with an angry look behind his shades.

"I know. I'm sorry, it's just, even with how we live I don't know why we can't get a puppy. All I want is a companion for when the boys and yourself are working daily." I bargain.

"I'll think about it. For now it's too dangerous, sweetheart." He wraps his left arm around my waist and kisses my forehead.

"That is all I ask." I grin in return.


After going to the stores that Jason suggested we shop and get more clothing articles, and Calvin Klein for himself to get some undergarments such as tank tops, boxers, undershirts , etc.

"Ready for dinner, baby?" He asks.

"Not quite." I state, while looking into the direction of Victoria Secret.

Entering the store and looking around, I spot the section of underwear needed: Thongs. Strolling to the teeny garment, I pick up a single piece and ask Jason "yes or no?" He gulps and licks his lips, while nodding his head in a 'yes' formation.

"Yes." He voice cracks.

"Alright." I speak. Moving around the table to pick out some more, red, black, blue, white, purple, orange, yellow. Any color, you name it.All in silk, and lace. That's what I have picked up, with of course the help of my boyfriend.

"Are we done yet? I want to see some modeling of this lingerie you're buying." Jason speaks, nudging me towards the check out counter.

"I guess, babe. Unless there is something else you w-" I was quickly cut off by Jason pulling- no dragging me to the 'intimate' selection of lingerie.

He was picking through every article, pulling out some that he liked. Putting some things back and then pulling more out. He pulled one out and held it up, handing me the piece.

"Go change. I want to see it before you leave the dressing room." He demands.

"Why can't I do it at home?" I whine in return.

"Because I want to make sure it's what I want."

Huffing and walking to find an attendant to open a dressing cubicle. Walking in and setting my bag and the articles down. Sighing before stripping down to the basics, gulping while picking the sheer gown with little cups and straps to obviously hold my breasts and hold the gown up in place. Slipping it over my head and fixing it to look halfway decent on my body. Peering into the full body mirror leaning against the wall, I look to myself.

Glancing at every inch of my being. My curves, my skin, the color of my skin, just the details.

"Jase?" I call out.

"Yes my sweetness?" He answers.

"I don't like it. At all." I'm still criticizing my body.

"Can I see, Love?" He questions.

Contemplating on whether or not to say 'yes' or 'no', I just open the door. He would've somehow gotten me to open the door anyway. Quickly walking in and shutting the door, locking it he turns. Jaw drops.

"Is it that bad?" I rush, going to pick up my clothes to cover my nakedness.

"NO! No, baby, no. I was just admiring your body because you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid my eyes upon. I've loved you since day one, c'mon babe you know this. You're natural, intelligent, considerate, kind, hysterical, angelic, lovable, even-tempered, sophisticated, realistic, modest, talented, reliable, and so much more sweet heart. I love you, Loral. Always have, always will." He spoke to me coming closer and closer to put down the clothing and wrap his strong arms around my body.

"Jase, thank you. I love you as well. Let's get out of here." I quickly change into my normal clothes.

Jason takes everything to be rang up while the articles of undergarments are being wrapped in tissue and placed in bags. With a couple hundred dollar bills, Jason and I are making our way to the valet stand to wait for Jason's Lambo.


Thanks for reading 'Mine'! I'm not into writing all that much so I will do my very best to make this story as imaginable as possible. I'm a very busy person so therefore the updates will not be as scheduled as I was hoping to make them. Thanks again for reading.


Word Count: 1156

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