Yes, life was good. I had a kind heart back then, pure, happy, and weak. But that all changed when humans came and cut down are trees, we were exposed. It was hard with the new village right outside are territory, but we stayed together, and that was all I need. Soon we got used to humans, the woman would watch us glimmer in the life and often gave us meat. They were kind and saw us as gods. It may sound good now but just wait, I'm getting to the sad part.
More men came but this time with big trucks and guns. I new what they were cause my dad told me. They were animal hunters, they wanted animal skins, meat, and baby's for money. My mom didn't know much but she knew they were bad news, since then I never left the den. But my bother was always by my side. He always made me happy. I hurts to think about him now, how he loved and cared for me, he was always there for me.
One day I woke up with a strange sound outside of are den. Mom herd to and told me to stay as she went to see what it was. All I herd was silence, then out of nowhere BANG. We new that sound well and dad ran out after her. Bang bang. My brother grabbed, or picked me up and ran out the other way. We almost escape but my brother got shot. He fell with a big thud and dropped me. I stood up only to get picked up by a human. I growled but he only laughed.
" this is a tough one all right, and a beauty. You will sell just fine."
I new it, he wants to sell me and skin my family. No they can't!! I squirm around and bit his hand.
" ahhhhhh you bich!!"
He dropped me and I ran to my brother but I saw men caring him to the truck.
" mrrrroooowww!!"
" Now now," he picks me up " don't worry we'll take good care of him."
No, how could this happen. Why?

TMNT: new kitten in town book 1
FantasyThis is kitten, she's a leopard mutain who was experimented on by the kranng. They did something to her blood and cells ( you'll find out ) and it changed her hair and eyes.