Triangle Love - Chapter 1

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Today is the last day of the examination week.I'm so happy because it will end soon enough and of course I had finished my exam paper.I'm so bored after I checked the answers for about 10 times and I began to fell asleep *KRING!!!!!* The bell rings makes me awake from my beauty sleep.The teacher start to collect the exam paper from all of the students.Then,all of the students went out of the class to go home.

"Chagiya!!!!" I heard someone calling me from my back.I know that voice. Its Jiyong."Ya! Jiyong-ah.Please, don't call me 'Chagiya'.Chebal.Just call my name, Shin Soo Ah." I said to him. "Why? Is it wrong for me to call you 'Chagiya'? You are my Yeoja Chingu right?" He replied. "I know,but it's embarass me." I said to him again. "Okay,My lady." He replied again. I smile. We walk together to a cafe near our school because we are having our part time job at the cafe.

--At the Cafe--

"Anyeonghasaeyo." Jiyong and I said in the meantime.There's an old woman in the cafe who own the cafe."Oh.Its you guys.I thought it was a customer." Said the old woman. We walked towards the old woman. Jiyong grabbed two aprons and give me one. I took the apron and wore it. "Come and help me clean the dishes,Soo Ah." She said. "네,Ahjumma." I replied.Jiyong was cleaning the table.

"Anyeonghasaeyo." A customer said as he arrives at the cafe. "Welcome.Have a sit please." said the old woman. "Order?" said her again.
" Only a cup of coffee,please." He said. "네." "Soo Ah,bring a cup of coffee for the customer,please." Ahjumma said. "네,Ahjumma." I replied. "Are you a newbie in here?Because I haven't seen you before." The old woman asked the customer. "Yes,I'm a newbie here.I went here because my family and I just moved here yesterday." He replied. "Oh,I see." Said Ahjumma. "Enjoy your coffee." I said to him while putting a cup of coffee on the table. "Thank you.I will." He replied. I smile.

--At the night--

After finished our part time job,Jiyong and I went home.While we are walking together at the street, "Err,Soo Ah..?" Jiyong started a conversation. "네?" "Can I ask you a question?" He said. "What is it?" I replied. "Can you please stay away from other guys accept me?"He said. "Waeyo Jiyong?" "You know,since you are my girlfriend,Whenever or whoever that with you or by your side makes me jeolous..." He said with a low tone voice. I laughed while saying " Hahaaha..seriously Ji??" "I'm serious Soo Ah." His voice sounds serious. "O..okay then Jiyong." I replied.

--At my house--

*Kringg!!* My phone vibrate as it says that there's a new message that came in my phone. Its a message from Jiyong. It says...

Dear Soo Ah.Have you eaten your dinner?If you haven't,please eat them.I'm so worried if you don't eat your dinner.You must take a good care of yourself.

I smiled and replied...

I have eaten my dinner.Don't worry Jiyong.
Your love, Soo Ah

He replied...

Okay then,Good Night Chagiya.Sweet Dream.

I replied again...

Okay.Good night Jiyong.You too.

Your Love,Soo Ah

I went to my bed and felt assleep.Then I started to sleep.

------------------To Be Continued----------------

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