You're Mine

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Callum stepped out of jail cell for the first time in ten years. He was a changed man. He scanned the area around him as he was escorted out of the dim lit block that he had once called home. The doors opened and it was his chance to say goodbye to this place forever. Desperate to see his daughter of eleven years and his beautiful wife he ran with the wind brushing against his face all the way home. He had spent too long in that cell, far too long.

Detective Martin Brown was taking his daily stroll in the wide fields that surrounded his house and admired the beauty of the landscape around him. This was a quiet field and hardly anybody visited. The sun was beating against his sweaty forehead as the swift movements of his body took over from his free mind. His wife and young hearted children were some distance away making daisy chains so Brown sat on a roughy-edged boulder and felt the heat of the grass beneath him. The grass was soft and glimmered as the sun's rays were directed towards it. But that wasn't the grass that glimmered. Brown set his eyes upon the open hole where an old mine used to lay and saw cold, frozen eyes that stared back into his own. Martin Brown called over to his wife and told her to leave. There were no side comments as his voice was grave with pain. He stared hardly at them for a few moments before his eyes diverted to the rest of this abandoned coal mine that must have laid untouched for at least ten years. That is until this corpse came along.

Forensics arrived at the scene in minutes. Several of them scanned the area for evidence whilst several others searched files to place a name to the body. The seconds soon became hours as the results were slowly reviled. Philip Mack, ten years ago this man was in the hands of the police, only to be placed in the hands of a murderer. Dusk fell upon Fairland Village. Tricks of the eye fooled them as they wearily flicked through file by file. They were closer than they thought, if only they ha chosen the right man.

Back at the office, Jane Bigby placed the murder upon Callum Newfoundling who to them was the master criminal that had not produced the perfect crime. Jane was furiously tapping the pen lid the she held in her sweaty palms on the freshly polished table top. Something did not match up. Newfoundling was released late in the afternoon of October 10th however the results from the forensics showed Philip Mack died in the early hours of the morning on that exact day. Jane kept this crucial information to herself until she was sure of her prediction.

Ten years earlier Newfoundling was put on trial for the death of Rachel Mack, Philip's daughter and imprisoned until that very day. This is how the murders were linked together, but was any criminal this clumsy? What if there was someone else.

It's Monday 10th October. In the early hours of the morning and the sun-kissed lake was the ideal location for a spot of fishing. Now on the boat the two men were accompanied by a large tuna fish. These two drunk men argued and rowed, it's my fish, no it's mine. Glub, gulp, glug. The body had lost all life and was as floppy as the tuna itself as Eliot fisher hauled it back onto the once steady boat. Making his way through the reefs and weeds until the shore was beneath him. He panicked. The body was thrown behind a bush while he thought. He was beside himself with confusion and anger. The body, now covered in mud and leaves was falling into the depths of the mine. Silence. Fisher lugged over an old mine cart and threw it onto the body. 'Crack'. There went the ribcage, or was it a twig? Never mind that now, all was peaceful once more. All that he didn't realise we're the prints in the mud.

The adventures of that day were not over yet.

Thank you for reading this :) hope you enjoyed it :)

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