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Hello everyone, 

My name is Poetry, 

And I have never smoked weed my entire life. 

First hand at least.

I am a Christian. 

A God fearing civilian! 

The main reason I'm not a villain.

I've seen what weed does to people though, 

First hand. 

And as I sit here, I would like to make a stand, 

Against it.

So many names they have found for the unique shaped leaf! 

But who ever is caught with it ends up where would a thief! 

Its original - Marijuana has become Mary Jane. 

We now have ganja, kush, pot, hash. 

Quality depending on your level of cash. 

A rolled one is now a splif, a blunt, a doobie, a joint. 

But see I'm just trying to make the same point.

At the beginning, its all fun and games. 

Until something happens and no one takes the blame. 

Its all smiles and everyone is happy 

And the eyes start to change colour, 

Start to become red. 

Blood shot like the ones freshly dead. 

Mouth becomes dry, 

They start to feel cold or like they're being fried, 

The heart rate goes up like a runner in a marathon, 

And then the paranoia, running from what they believe is a python. 

And don't get me started on the munchies! 

I tell you even dry, they will eat captain crunchies! 

And it will be the best meal they've ever had!

And the way today's pot heads know how to defend their mighty herb. 

A phineas to their weed! 

But when it comes to matters that matter, as silent as ferb! 

Justifying themselves by saying they don't mess with ciggys 

"Marijuana is a naturally growing grass" they say, 

But so is tobacco 

Nobody really dies from smoking pot, 

No chronic diseases. 

But it just makes sin look so much more hot, 

There are no barriers to get what one pleases!

Soon after the first try, it becomes a priority in your life! 

As its making you as free as a bird, 

It also has you on its cannabis hook! 

But you're all too high to see it. 

Vision blurred, to blind to see it! 

Even if it had legs and stood before you and said "look"! 

You'd probably grab it, roll it in some joint paper and light that mother up!

Every pot head's dream is for marijuana to be legalised. 

They say, that's the only problem with weed. 

They say, to the economy, it will be a fast growing seed! 

Will it though? 

Think about it for a second. 

Yes, the economy would go up at first. 

Say I'm an entrepreneur, why would I rush to hand in a report, 

While I've got the munchies? 

Say I'm your president, would you let me lead? 

Under the influence of weed? 

Say I'm a doctor, would you let me diagnose you while I'm high? 

Would you let me make on you incisions, 

Would you really make that decision? 

While I'm high? 

Well that's what is going to happen if weed is legalised. 

And then where would the economy go?

Some of you say, you have problems, 

You use kush to run away from your problems.. 

But as soon as the high is over. 

And as soon as reality takes over, 

Now you have 2 problems. 

Your need for more kush, and you really haven't solved your problems.

Hello everyone, standing here, 

I'm still the same poet, 

And I've never smoked weed my entire life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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