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A/N Hey guys just to let you know this is my first fan fiction I have ever written. If you read it and think Ishould add something or something needs improving please don't hesitate to comment. All comments are appreciated. Thank you :)

Prologue...Before the tour

Today was finally the day I was going to meet my idols The Janoskians at their #notaboyband tour in london. My family say "I'm addicted" just because I have watched all of their videos and talk about them all the time. Anyway it was 10 o'clock when my friend Lucy texted me.

Lucy.."Hey megs you ready for tonight?"

Megs"Oh my gosh you don't know how excited I am"

Lucy "haha yeah well guess what"


Lucy"well you know that they need fans to go down to their hotel so they can get as many British fans in the bestfriends video?"


Lucy " well we are going down there you need to be ready before 11 so we can get to the front"

I literally jumped up when I read that. It was now 10:15. That only left me 45 minutes to get ready. I ran straight upstairs for a shower. By the time I came out of the shower it was 10:30. I just threw on my Janoskians t-shirt, black skinny jeans and red vans.I put on very little make up only some foundation and eyeshadow.

At 11 o'clock Lucy came knocking on my door. I ran down to answer it and gave her a bear hug. I pushed my hair to the side and put my "obey" snapback on before leaving the house.

It took us about 15 minutes to walk to the train station. As we boarded the train we saw a group of 5 boys sitting at the end of the train with hoods up covering their faces. Me and Lucy both looked at each other and shrugged. We sat down about 2 rows away from them. I heard one of the boys say something but I wasn't quite sure what he said but I know it was something along the lines of "did you notice the top that girls wearing?" I discreetly turned my head around and saw one of the boys staring at me, the only part of his face I could see was his eyes and they looked exactly like Lukes.

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