Chapter Four

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Cade wanted to touch her. He knew that much, and not just once, but multiple times. Everywhere. He stood in the entry way to the living room just watching her watching him. He wanted her, but he didn't understand why.

"I know you feel this Alice."

She choked on her wine, "I'm sorry?"

Growling, he took all but three steps to reach her. Leaning over placing his hands on the back of the couch trapping her between his arms, he looked at her, "This! My veins feel like they were replaced with lightning bolts. If I am going to stay here I won't be able to take this every day."

"Then leave," she flinched.

Why did that make his heart burn?

He took the wine glass from her hands and placed it next to the couch on the end table. Leaning in closer to her, he breathed in her scent. Caramel. Sweet, smooth, mouthwatering caramel. He leaned in even closer putting his nose in the crook of her neck and smelling deeper. Closing his eyes he just stayed there and breathed her in. Moving just an inch closer he touched his nose to her neck. They both gasped. It felt like he was a magnet picking up all the little iron shavings. He wanted more. More iron shavings. More her. Tracing his nose from her neck, to her ear, down her jaw. He felt her hand on his chest before she pushed him back, and at that very second his wolf pushed to the surface. Grabbing her hand in his the sparks created between their skin touching could cause a fire, "Mine."

He heard her gasp, "Let go of me."

Feeling her trying to tug away from him angered his wolf causing Cade to hold on to her hand tighter. He stood up and pulled her with him. As her full body came flush against his, Cade made a noise that sounded like a growl and a moan all in one. Cade felt like a junction box. He was going crazy.

"Mine," he repeated and wrapped his arm around her waist. Her whimpers, that Cade doubt she knew she was making, were driving his wolf mad with need. Every thought crossing his mind had to do with biting and claiming her as his. He looked into her face. Her big green eyes were wide looking up at him, and it broke something in him. Cade let go.

She turned and climbed over the couch so fast if he blinked he would have missed it. The fact that she wanted to get away from him so quick made his heart hurt to the point he had to physically rub his chest to try and relieve it. He reached for her.

"No," she was backing away towards the stairs.

"Alice, I –"


"I'm sorry," he whined. His wolf felt wounded.

"I don't care. Don't ever touch me again."

He lost his breath with that sentence, "You can't be serious! Are you stupid?" He was raising his voice now.

"No! I don't want –"

"I don't give a fuck what you want! And you know what? I'm not sorry either Alice. Do you even know what just happened? My wolf. He –"

"I don't care about your wolf."

He wanted to howl at the pain coursing through him. His wolf was crawling out of his skin, "Well damn it Alice you should! Because he's your mate! I am your mate!"

Her green orbs went wide with acknowledgment. She started shaking her head back and forth mumbling no over and over again. She stepped back onto the first step gripping the railing so hard her knuckles were white. She turned and ran up the stairs. She turned and ran from him.


Hearing a door slam, he stared at the space she once graced with rejection coursing through him. His wolf was trying to rip himself from inside him to get to her.

He needed some air.


Her back was up against the bedroom door when she felt it vibrate from the front door slamming. He left. She felt like she could breathe again, but she could still smell him on her skin. His spice intertwined with her sweet and it caused her to whimper. It was taking all of her energy to calm her wolf down. It wanted nothing more than to go and find him. Her mate.

"No," she whispered to herself. Her wolf growled at her.

She wasn't ready for a mate. She didn't know anything about him. He was an outsider living in her home upon her father's orders. He wasn't her mate. At that thought her wolf was trying to claw its way to the surface. She made her way to the bed and curled herself under the covers. Her wolf was causing her internal pain. Whimpering, she pressed herself deeper into the sheets.

She was training to become alpha. In just a few short months and a year ahead of her she will step up and take her father's position. She had so much to learn. She didn't have time for a mate. She didn't have time for any of this. The pack came first, and to her Cade wasn't even a part of the pack. He didn't belong here. She didn't know anything about him except his name, his age, and how ungodly attractive he was. Her wolf whimpered. She had to set all of this behind her a focus on being the best alpha this pack has ever had. She had to forget about Cade. She had to forget that he was her mate. It was going to be difficult the fact being he lived under the same roof as her. Maybe she could go stay with her parents for a while. She snickered to herself. Like they wouldn't notice her living there for a whole year. Her mind wondered to her parents, and she smiled. So much love was shared between them. Her mom once told her about mates. Told her that meeting your mate was electrifying. That she would crave it more than anything else in the world. Even more than her favorite dessert, salted caramel ice cream. At the time she thought that was ridiculous because she wouldn't even want anything more than that ice cream, but now? Did she crave Cade? Her wolf howled inside of her. She fell asleep with her mind made up. She would eat as much ice cream for as long as she can.


Cade ran. Never in his wildest dreams would he have thought his mate would reject him. She did. She denied they were mates. She ran from him. All he could think about was the image of her running from him. His wolf was hurt in more ways than one and the pain took his breathe away. He had to get away. He couldn't bare being so close to her. So he ran. Ran until his wolf couldn't run anymore.

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