Surprise dates!( Chapter 3) Catie's POV

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I woke up with Nate's arm around my waist and his head in the crook of my neck. "Morning beautiful" Nate said with his husky morning voice and giving me a soft kiss on the cheek. I got up and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face and brush my hair. After I was done I walked out and to the kitchen to find that Nate was cooking breakfast. I walk up behind and wrap my arms around his waist. He turned around and looked down at me our eyes met and he looked down at my lips then Back to my eyes. He leaned down and pressed his soft lips against mine, our lips melted together. His tongue tracing my bottom lip, asking for entrance and I let him in but not with out a fight. Our tongues thrusting against each other. I finally give up and let him win. As his tongue entered exploring deeper into my mouth. He tilted my head back allowing me to let out a small moan. We pull away gasping for air, "I need to go check on the food" Nate said. I walked to the kitchen table and the food was placed in front of me,
"it looks amazing, what's the occasion?" I asked.
" what I can't make my beautiful girlfriend breakfast" Nate said in a disappointing voice.
"no you can its just unusual for you to make me breakfast"
After we were done eating we walked up to my room.
"get ready I have a fun day planned for us" Ryan said.
"where are we going?"
"it's a surprise and were something fancy" he said in an excited tone.

-------------------- 1 hour later------------

After I was done getting ready I was wearing a short black dress that came to my mid thigh with a slit in the bust area. My long brown hair was curled nicely and my makeup was natural, a light pink on the lid and black winged eyeliner and tons of mascara. I put on some bright pink heels and some feathered earrings. Nate texted me telling me he was here, I grabbed my black clutch and put my phone and debit card in it. I locked the door behind me and walked to the car. Nate came out and ran over to my side to open the door for me. I got in and buckled my seat belt. " so where are we going?" I asked
"it's a surprise" Nate said leaning over to me and gave me a kiss. I just locked out the window at the beautiful Saskatchewan prairies on a cool Sunday afternoon.

-------------45 minutes later -------------

We arrived to this beautiful lake out of town. Nate got out of the car and went to open the car door for me. " Thanks" I said as we walked down to the beach and my truck was sitting on the shore. The back of the truck was open with blankets and pillows scattered everywhere. There was a picnic basket in the middle. "awe babe this is so cute" I squealed. We both climbed in the the back , Nate opened the basket and pulled out my favourite food chicken ceaser salad and a garden salad for him along with some drinks. " this is so cute!" I said happily.
"I'm glad you think so it took me awhile to figure out what to do, so I asked my mom for help and she suggested this" Nate said. After we were done eating he pulled out his phone and put on some slow songs " may I have this dance?" Nate asked holding his hand out. I took off my heals and grabbed his hand , he put his arms around my waist placing his hands on my lower back. My hands were around his neck pulling him closer to me
"I love you"
"I love you too" he leaned down to kiss me as we continued dancing to thinking out loud by Ed Sheehan. When the song was done we walked back to truck. I climbed into the back followed by Nate. I laid down and Nate came on top of me, I wrapped my arms around his neck to bring him into a kiss. I nibble on his bottom lip and he let my tongue enter for a fight. Our tongues dancing in harmony. I traced my nails down his spine as he moved to my neck planting a kiss and back to my lips. After awhile we brake apart gasping of the fresh crisp air. We sat in peace absorbing each others heat when Nate said, "let's go for a swim."

"I don't have a Bathing suit" I spoke

"go with out clothes then" he said winking at me

"you are such a perv" I said hitting his arm. I get out of the truck and take off my dress reviling my bright pink bra and my matching underwear. Nate removes his cloths and picks me up running to the water. He tosses me in to the freezing cold water, I get up and splash him.

I really hope you guys are liking this book so far. Please leave comments and give me some ideas for the book and tell me how you like it.

Love ,
Catie x


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