As we head down to the Victors Village I can hear Dallas, and Ruth chattering. Peeta seems to be in a good mood, and It's wonderful outside. There is a slight breeze in the air, and the sun is shining brightly! We are heading to the door, and Peeta smiles when he sees me, but the smile quickly goes down when he sees Gale. "What's he doing here?" says Peeta rather rudely.
"He...He's just..." The words just won't come out.
"It's a long story." He says rubbing his neck.
"Well I'm listening." Peeta folds his arms, and started tapping his foot slightly.
"Guys just STOP. Peeta, Gale just wanted to see how we were do-"
"Mommy, Daddy who's that?" Asks Dallas. I guess our yelling got his attention.
"Just a freind. Go, and play. Breakfast will be done in a minute." Says Peeta rather nicely in this situation. "Well are you going to come in, or run away agian?"
"PEETA!" I yell.
"Well it's true. You know what he did, and so did I." He says pointing at Gale.
"Peeta. Please. Give him a chance. He told me what happened. Please just calm down." I say trying to swoon him into calmness.
I don't give him time to reply. I run, and jump on him. I wrap my arms, and legs around him, and kiss him on the lips. "You are mine, and you will always, ALWAYS, be mine, and you know that." I say.
He's quiet for a minute, but then nods his head in consideration. "Breakfast will be done in a minute, stay if you want, but I promise you Katniss when he runs away agian...I am NOT putting on the cuffs." He balls up his fists, and returns into the house to retrieve the plates.
Gale slowly nods, and smiles. "Does this mean I am allowed to come in?"
"NOOOO" Peeta yells; obviously kidding.
I chuckle. "Yes...but please wipe your feet off. I just mopped yesterday." I say
"Ok." He shrugged. I laugh, and walk into the house. He takes a step in, and I can see the emotion on his face. He hasn't been in this house since the games ended. Since Prim.
He shudders, takes one look at me and smiles. "Nothing's changed...I wish it did..." I start to frown. "Katniss I didn't mean it like that." He says.
"I know. Just don't bring anything up. Ok? I don't like to think about the past too much." I say.
"Ok." He starts to look around. Not like he just said nothing's changed... He walks into mine, and Peeta's bedroom. He looks around, and eyes my dresser. He picks up my small locket that Peeta gave me on the beach in the Quarter Quell. He unlocks it, and looks at the pictures. Mom, Gale...Prim. He looks at me, and back down at the locket.
"Peeta gave it to me. In the Quarter Quell. I don't really wear it." Lie number 2. Ito to sleep with it every night. It helps me calm down, and when I see the pictures it calms me.
"Breakfast is ready." Peeta yells. Gale puts the necklace down, and I show him the way to the kitchen.
Smells of gravy, bacon, biscuits, eggs, and all of the other delicious smells that surround the table. "I'll grab the silver wear." Ruth says eyeing Gale. Gale smiles, and Ruth is red all over. She quickly goes into the kitchen with Dallas following behind her.
"Sweet kid." Gale says. Peeta rolls his eyes, and sits down. Gale coughs, and says the food looks good.
"Thank you." Peeta says.
"All is silent until Ruth, and Dallas return. "Dallas do you want to say Grace?" I ask. Dallas nods his head and begins to pray. "God is grate, God is gwood, let...hwm for our fwood. By his..hand...we all are fwed. Dank you lowd...daily bread."
"Good Job!!!" I say. He is getting better though. "Good Job kid!" Gale says smiling!!
"He has a name. His name is Dallas, and her name is Ruth." Peeta says. We all start to frown.
That's when it happened. Bombs everywhere. Parachute Bombs. The same ones that killed my sister. The same ones that were used in the games. The same ones that are being used now.
I scream, and run. I pick up Dallas, and tell Ruth to run. She is running out the door Peeta and Gale are right behind me. Good. We all start running towards the woods. That was the plan. But just then, as soon as we are hitting the door the television is turning on. Everything has stopped. That's when we see her face. The girl that has been missing since her grandpa was killed. There she was in all white, with red roses. Megan Snow. President Snows daughter. Her face pale, and red lips. She had dark brown hair up to her shoulder blades, and was wearing a while flannel, with white tights. Her makeup was pale, but she had this bright, vivid, red lipstick on. She looked beautiful. But consider that she was Snows daughter she was ugly.
"Hello fellow districts. We haven't heard from each other in a long, long time. Well here's what you have missed, With my grandpa dead, and the Rebels not yet satisfied with the amount of death. I had no chance but to run. I ran, and hid in woods. I learned how to survive. It was very exhausting, and I'm surprised in how you all did it. I was in the woods for so long, that I became one with it. And the more I stayed in the woods, the more I thought of getting my revenge. And oh no I would never hurt you guys. You guys had no idea what you were doing. I am only asking for one person...Katniss Everdeen. I promise you I will not hurt her. I just want to go over some important things. Bring her to me, and I will give you the best prize anyone could want. To live your life in the Presidents, I mean my..mansion. And Katniss if you do not come. I will make another Hunger Games with your children, and all of the other victor children. You have 48 hours."
The whole room was black, and silent.
"Mom...." Ruth. I heard Peeta's feet running up the steps. The Handcuffs.
"Katniss? Katniss can you hear me?" Gale. "Mom?" I then felt someone's hands in mine, slightly shaking me. "Mom you are going to be okay. No one is going to let her have you." Lies. All Lies. I am not going to be okay. And I am going to let her have me...if I want to protect my children. If I want to keep my life from falling, if I want to keep the life of my children from falling with mine.