Chapter 3

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I could sense the girl's movements as she entered the room, but my vision was still fuzzy. A loud ringing kept me from hearing her words, but I could make out what she was saying. What are you. Did she see what happened in the city? Even I didn't know what I did.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I asked.

The Girl just stood there, her jaw set. A huge man in chain link armor stood behind her. He had long brown hair tied into a ponytail with a thick gold ring in his nose, reminding me of a bull. I sat upright, and both people tensed. I noticed that my armor was missing along with my shirt. The man nodded in approval, but of what I don't know. The man bent over to whisper something in the girl's ear, but she didn't react. Instead, she crept nearer to me.

"Where am I?" I repeated, looking around at the room. It was plain white with various rolling tables, syringes scalpels and the like littered these. I instinctively inched away from the syringes. I hate needles. When I turned back, the girl was standing next to me, her blue eyes fixed on me. She seemed to be battling with herself on something. Then I noticed her hand resting on a short sword at her side. She was thinking about whether to kill me or not. This just keeps getting worse and worse. As the feeling returned to my legs, I found I still had leggings on, and chanced an attempt to stand. As I began to move my legs, a blade met my chest. Pain seared the spot as the girl retracted the blade, the tip now reddened with my blood.

I felt the wound tighten, and I knew it had disappeared. The girl didn't react to that either. Again, she jabbed the blade into my chest and into my side then once more in my eye. Again, all wounds healed quickly and as my vision returned I yelled "Cut it out! It still hurts you know!"

The girl looked shocked, as if this had not occurred to her. She replaced the blade into the sheath then stepped over to the man and on tip toes, whispered into his ear. I took this cease fire as a chance to stand. My feet were still wobbly, but I held firm. I reached for a pile of clothes to find my shirt when the giant man walked over to me.

"Salutations" I said. The man said nothing, but grabbed me by the arm and drew back his fist. Seriously?

"Enough!" I yelled as the man launched his fist forward, but before it met it's target, I stopped it. I felt the force of what almost met my face. I felt the man struggle to push forward, but I was done with being nice.

"I'm not some punching bag!"

If they want a fight, I"ll give it to them. I ripped myself free of his grasp, spun around, grabbed him around the waist, and lifted him over my head. I Felt him struggle in my arms, but super strength is hard to beat. I tossed him across the room, his head meeting the concrete walls with a loud cracking sound. I grabbed my shirt and placed it on, then my boots and finally my jacket. Properly clothed, I turned back to the girl, who was wide eyed at what she just saw.

"I've never met anyone who was strong enough to do that!" came a low thunderous voice to my left. I looked over at the man, who was sitting cross- legged on the polished floor, rubbing his head. I felt bad that I had lost my temper, and stuck out my hand. The man grabbed it and I pulled him upwards.

"Sorry about that." I said

"no, no, I provoked you" He said, like he was trying to convince me to buy a product "I should be apologising!"

"Apologise?!" It was the girl "To HIM?"

The man flinched slightly before saying "Calm down, Libra, you stabbed him, which is worse!"

"He deserved it, Taurus!" said the girl who's name is Libra

"How did I deserve it?" I asked, truly curious.

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