Death of the Evil

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I woke up, suddenly I had a feeling of pain in my arm. I look down and see C.J is holding onto it, I smile he shifts again and wakes, suddenly the door is opened, I look up its my best guard. He looks worried. "Sir I'm sorry but we are under attack remember those people you had us look up they are here." I look at my baby, he seems so scared.

"Don't worry I wont let anyone hurt you," he nods at me scared, I move him over and get up, he looks at me with a worried glance. "Alec stay here and watch him don't let anyone in, kill if you have to."

"Yes sir."

I walk out side as I see a few men, I morph quickly, they back up but they don't expect my movements. I jump on two biting out their jugular, the others back up further regretting their decision to invade my home quickly. I jump again this time stopping only a few inches from them.

"We just want that boy," one said, I cock my head listening, "he is special and we need him for something bigger than you and this world."

I look at him, other worldly? Is he from another realm? What does my baby not know about himself? I growl at the men not caring what they have to say, I take two steps towards them with another growl. They back up again only the two of them are left for me to attack. I jump again with a growl biting the one on the leg, he howled in pain as I ripped his meat from the bone.

The one who had spoken to me ran, I worry that he will be back but I let him go anyway because he should know that my pack and I are a force to be wary of. The two men lay dead the other on the floor in pain. I morph back into my human form, the man laying on the floor rolls over some in pain his blood turning the grass around him blood red. He is in pain and it makes me happy.

I stalk towards the man in anger he had hurt my baby and his family. I grab his collar pulling him up off the ground some, he looks at me in terror his eyes widening. "Don't mess with me," I growl at him as I punch him hard in the mouth. Blood drips from his lips and two teeth fall out, I smile at his pain, I can be a monster if I have to be. He mutters something that I can't hear, I kick him backward onto the floor, he moans in pain.

Two of my best fighters come to my aid, "Take him to a holding cell, do whatever you want with the dead," they nod at me leaving my side again taking care of the men. I walk towards my room when Alec came running towards me, I look him over. "Alec what's wrong?"

"You...have to see...see what your mate is doing it's amazing." I fallow him towards my room, C.J is glowing some and then I see what Alec means. C.J wasn't on the bed he was a few inches off of it, I walked towards him in amazement. 

"Make it stop," he muttered, I felt the fear he felt I smiled at him, "please make it stop."

I walk over to him grabbing his hand and pulling him down to the bed, "You're different."

"I noticed that's never happened before I don't understand what is going on."

"Hey its okay love the evil is gone I killed two, one ran, the other is in a cell we are going to get answers for you okay."

He nodded at me I kissed his temple and he let himself fall asleep his glow brightening.

What do you think should happen next? What and who is C.J?

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