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So mean why did you move so far mean to a little town not even worth living in?
What do you mean? I'm sure that sounds great I just have to adjust to it I mean sure I do miss the big city but it had too many memories sad memories happy memories I can have in my life because they just bring up too much of my mother
What do you mean your mother doesn't your mom live with you? I live with my father and his girlfriend my mom died she was shot or people think it was a suicide but I know it wasn't she wouldn't do that to her family she loves me and my father too much to do that to us I know some people do crazy things for weird reasons but she was crazy but not that crazy and I know my mom she wouldn't do that I just know
You don't know anything what happened to your mom me your mom coming crazy but kept it a secret from you and your father because like you said she loves you and your father too much and when you were gone she killed herself okay it's simple get it through her bring me if your mom about you she still be here and you'd still be in Colorado k I'm I'm sorry but it's true and you know it so don't act like you don't just pathetic and your excuse
How could you say that to me you don't know what it's like to lose your role model for one person you trusted most in this world and I thought you were my friend turns out that was just a one big web of lies so if you want to apologize for that little outburst find me I have someone else show me my classes

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