You Scared?

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Stumbling throughthe doorway, the inebriated man shielded his eyes from the harsh glare of the light. He shouted for his wife, his words sounding strange and muffled in his ears. A small woman peeked around the corner while pushing her son back, tryng to keep him safe. The young boy's eyes shone with fear as he stared at his father. overweight man guffawed at the trepidation on the boy's face.

"You scared?" he bellowed, finding the situation oddly funny. He swayed on his feet and put his hand against the filthy wall for support. "You should be," he breathed, maikng the boy cringe. "I can do things that would haunt you 'till the end of your days." He narrowed his eyes at the tears welling up and spilling down his son's cheeks.

"Daddy stop," the boy sobbed, pulling at the meaty fingers clutching his tiny wrist. "Daddy, let go! You're hurting me!"

He stopped and stood up, a confused expression on his unshaven face. He coughed once, eyes widening. He made a strange gurgling noise before crumpling to a heap on the floor. The boy and his mother stared in horror at the body lyng in the center of the room.

Outside, a dark figure peered into the window with sarisfaction. He sauted the small family with a slight nod, turned, and left without making a sound.


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