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Amel will most likely be OOC in this fanfiction from now on, he will probably act like how Rood acts at times.
'blank' = thoughts
"blank" = talking
(blank) = me commenting on something


Amel's POV

Before we went back to class, someone grabbed our shoulders and said, "Rood Chrishi, Dio Varus, and the new student. Correct? We've been looking everywhere for you. We have some business to discuss. Could you follow us for a bit?" 'Wow, he talks a lot... Isn't that the middle class symbol?' I thought after he finished talking. "Ro... Rood... What do I do?" Dio said with tears in his eyes. "Well... Sure. I probably already know what you want... but I'll go," Rood said. After Rood said that they led us to whoever wanted to talk to us. "Manon-nim, we've brought him," they said. "Yeah. All right, you guys can go," the person that called us here said. "Hu... Huh???" the guy that brought us said. "Leave," Manon said. "But," he said. Then Manon glared and the other guy said, "Al... alright." After they left he said, "What I want... Shouldn't you know?" "No I don't," Rood said. Moment of silence... Then Manon said, "I did hear you were new... I guess it's true. Seeing how you are talking so fearlessly. Alright, I'll tell you straight out. It's best not to involve yourself with that monster anymore," Manon said. "Monster... is there really a monster in Helios," Rood said. "I don't like word plays. You should stay away from that monster," Manon said. "Is that advice?" Rood said.

"No, it's a warning. Also, the even newer student over there. Sense this is your first day of school. It also applies to you," Manon said. 'Why did he suddenly talk to me??!!' I thought. After a while, Rood went around the hallways to look for Lidusis, but everytime he tried to ask, they would say, "I don't know," or they would just avoid eye contact and walk away. Then this girl with silver hair walks up to Rood and tells him where he is. Rood said something to her, but I was a little too far to tell what they were saying. When Rood looked down, he noticed Lidusis, but was hesitating a little. When he got over it, he yelled, "Lidusis!!!!" then he grabbed me and jumped down the little area that showed you the outside (don't know what it's called). "Waahh!!! Why am I going too?" I said. When we got down, he said, "Cause you're part of team now." "Team?" I said. "Yeah," he said while dragging me around. "I can run by muself you know," I said. "Oh, okay. Sense you were there when Lidusis, you better not run away," Rood said with a dark smile. "Of co-urse I'll help you Rood," I said with my voice cracking a little. "Good, now run faster," Rood said.

'Rood, runs pretty fast. Wasn't he supposed to have an illness (let's just say that Amel already knows about Rood)?' I thought while running as fast as I can. "Rood, are you getting tired?" I said. "As in I'm exhausted, no. As in annoyed, yes," Rood said with a dark aura. "Should I tell Aquila to get him?" I said. "You can do that? Hmm.. maybe as a backup plan, yes. We don't want Lidusis getting injured," Rood said. "Oh don't worry, I can just tell Aquila to get him without harming him," I said. "Hmm... sure, but are you a hundred percent sure, that Lidusis won't get hurt?" Rood said. "Hundred percent sure," I said. "Okay... What are you waiting for? Do it now," Rood said. I nod, then shouted, "AQUILA!!!" After one second Aquila showed up and said, "What?" "Can you get Lidusis and make sure that he doesn't get hurt while doing it?" I said holding my throat from shouting to loud. Aquila nods then flys over to Lidusis.

After a few minutes, Aquila came back with Lidusis, while Lidusis looked like he looked in the eyes of Medusa. "Lidusis, we'll let go of you, if you promise that you won't run away. Got it?" Rood said. Lidusis nods, when he did that Rood let go of him, when he was about to run off again, he stopped when he felt my hand grab his collar. "What do you think you're going Lidusis? Didn't you just promise that you wouldn't run away?" I said with a smile that slowly darkened. Once Lidusis noticed my smile he pales, then starts to nod really fast. "I didn't know you had that kind of side to you," Rood said. "I didn't know either, maybe you're rubbing off on me," I said while shivering a little. "Hey!" Rood said. "Just kidding... Where's Lidusis?" I said while looking around for him. "Ah, he's right there and... running again," Rood said. "Can't you just get him at class, it's going to start in a minute, so we'll see him sooner or later," I said.

Rood sighs then says, "Fine, but just give me a few more seconds then we'll go okay?" I nod, then follow him to wherever he's going. When we finally spotted him, we saw him with this green long hair guy, that looks like a bully. "What are you doing?" I said with my usual indifferent face. "What does it look like I'm doing?" he said. "It looks like you're bullying him to me," I said. "Do you guys know who I am?" he said with a tick mark on his head. "No," we said at the same time. He was about to walk inside, but then Rood pushed him off the railing and watched him fall. "Wasn't that a little mean?" I said. "...Nah, he was bullying Lidusis, so he deserves it," Rood said. Ding dong ding dong~~ ding dong ding dong. "Crap, that was the bell," Rood said before dragging Lidusis and I to the classroom. When we got there, I told Rood, "Can you pretend that you fainted, so we won't get in trouble?" "Huh? Suurrree," Rood said.

Once Rood got into position, we went inside and the Professor said, "You're late. What were you guys doing?" "We had to drag Rood all the way here, his chronic illness started to kick up. We're terribly sorry for not getting here on time, even if we had to carry Rood, he was pretty light, like a feather, yet we couldn't get here on time. We deserve to be punished," I said with a fake sorry expression. Professor Heil blinks a few times in slow motion then says, "It's okay, just make sure that you drop off Rood to the Nurse's office right now, and come back in an appropriate time. Got it?" "How could we ever thank you Professor," I said while bowing. "We'll be taking our leave then," I said. "Nice acting skills," Rood said. "Thanks, now let's go before Professor Heil starts getting suspicious," I said while pushing Rood and Lidusis to the Nurse's office.


Done. Sorry if you didn't like the story. I'll try better next time. Bye :3.

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