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Ivory's POV

I sat down on the couch next to my two sisters Olivia and Rina , who were born vampires. I wasn't born a vampire but I got turned when I was 15 by my dad when he was drunk.

One night when I was 15 he came home so drunk that he tried killing all of us, and by us I mean me and my sisters. Our Mother died when she was giving birth to me. I feel like I'm the cause of her death and that if it wornt for me my family would still have my mother.

Anyways ,one night he came home and he tried killing us ,and my sisters tried protecting me but he got up to me and bit my neck, and I turned into a vampire.

I honestly hate being a vampire, I think that creatures like this shouldn't exist.But in a way it's a good thing because we have cool powers. Mine are super speed, mind reading, and invisibility

My sisters have similar powers to one another, they both have super speed like me and then they have future telling, and invisibility like me.

We each have unique marks though. Every vampire gets a mark when they are turned.

Mine is a rare mark thats's shaped like a feather with an infinity sign next to it. No one really knows what it means but I've heard that my mother had similar markings.

Olivia has a heart which means that she has a good heart and is very caring.

Then Rina has a Rose with petals falling from it, which means that she has a strong spirit.

" so when do think I'm going to find my mate?" Rina asked.

This was a thing that we all wondered about, since we know that somewhere out there there's guys that are meant for us.

" well it-" I began to say but then dad came slamming through the door. The look on his face reminded me of the night I turned into a vampire and it scared me.

My heart started to quicken and I think Olivia noticed because she hugged me and then so did Rina.

He walked twords up and started yelling hurtful words. But then there was one thing he said that tore me apart more than anything.

" it's all your fault that my wife died Ivory, I wish you wornt even born!" He screamed in my face.

I couldn't hold the tears that were escaping my eyes and I just let them fall freely down my face.

" No it's not! And you don't relize how special of a daughter you have if your going to just say that!" Rina screamed back hugging me tightly.

" oh yeah want to talk back to me like that? Get out! I'm done with dealing with your sorry asses!" He screamed at all of us.

I started to panick and then I remembered a backpack that I had just for this occasion.because I expected this to happen eventually.

I ran to my room and grabbed the bag and threw it around my shoulders. I sprinted out the door with Olivia and Rina next to me.

I can't believe he would just kick us out like that. Well to be honest I sort of do because he never did care about me since mom died.

Olivia and Rina both hugged me and I just sobbed into their shoulders. They didn't seem to be sad though, which I didn't understand.

" to be honest I think as long as were together were better off without him anyways." Rina said.

" yeah I agree, I mean he didn't treat us very good anyways."Olivia said.

I guess there right I mean we might as well have left a long time ago because he treated us just as badly as were going to have to live now.

" I guess you guys are right. So where are we going to go though?" I asked

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