Clash of the Dinosaurs (final battle)

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"Why must you two get in the way of my VENGANCE!?" "It's because we don't let monsters like you eat our friend!" "Yeah!, you tell him Sucho!" "Then I'll just finish you two off my self! ROOOAAARRR!" "GRAAAAHISSSSS!" "RAAAHOOOOOO!" Sucho and Anky charged at IAl who was also charging at them, when they charged at each other, they clashed, "Say hello to my little friend!" Anky used his tail club I hit IAl across the face 5 times, and tripped him, "Now Sucho, Sucho jumped on his back and bit his neck and claws his back simultaneously, "Give up IAl, you can't beat us!" "YES I CAAAANN!" IAl grabbed Sucho by the neck and repeatedly smashed him down to the ground like he was a whip, "SUCHO!" Anky tried to hit IAl, but instead accidentally hit Sucho in the face "OOOOWWW!!" "SORRY SUCHO, DIDNT MEAN TO HIT YOU!" "Now it's my turn to hit YOU!"IAl used Sucho as a weapon and started hitting Anky with him and put Anky in a chokehold as we'll, IAl now has Sucho and Anky in his grasp and he throws them near the edge of the cliff, making them unconscious, "AAAAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I told you, NOTHING STOPS THE ALPHA PREDATOR!" IAl was about to push them off them cliff until a familiar voice stopped him "That's where you are wrong IAl!" IAl quickly turned around and saw who it was, it's was Big Al, who was still bleeding, but ready for battle, "OH COME ON LITTLE BROTHER, IF THATS WHO YOU ARE!" "IAl please, im begging you, stop this madness and start being back to my big brother I've always known.." "Enough!, I will not let some other allosauriade come stand in my WAY!" IAl charged towards him, but this time, Al dodged out of the way and clawed IAl's face, this left IAl in shock, "IAl, I'm so sorry but you have to stop this!" "No AL, I WILL NOT LET ANYTHING GET IN THE WAY!" IAl turned invisible, making Al vulnerable, however, Al closed his eyes, waiting for the right moment, he sniffed the air and caught IAl's scent, he tail whipped him down to the ground, making him go out of his invisible state, "GRAAAAHHH!" IAl roared in pain as he got up, his wounds are healing, but still pisses him off, "AL, I WILL KILL YOU AND THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME!" "IAL, LISTEN TO YOURSELF!, YOUR NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO HAS BEEN TEASED ALOT, THE FAUNUS WERE HATED BY HUMANS FOR WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE, AND THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN PICKED ON ALOT BY BULLIES, AND YOU KILLED EVERYONE YOUVE MET!, ROMAN,NEO,THE FAUNUS, JUNIOR,MELANIE,MILITIA, TEAM CRDL, MERCURY,EMERALD, AND CINDER, FOR GOD SAKES IAL, YOU NEED TO LEARN THAT YOUR NOT ALONE, YOU HAVE YOUR FRIENDS!..... And you have me, please, stop this..." "I, will not, bow down to YOU!" IAl pounced on Al, making them both fall off the cliff but was saved by a ledge,
Meanwhile with Sucho and Anky
"GUYS, IVE FOUND THEM!" Sucho and Anky regained consciousness and found Ruby, along with her team and teams JNPR and CFVY, "OWWW, MYYY HEAD!" Sucho exclaimed in pain "Not so fun with the pain huh?" Jaune teased until Sucho tail whipped in the stomach, making him fly to a tree, and barf on himself, "Served you right." Sucho teased back, "Where's Al Sucho?" I don't know Ank--- wait, I know where he is!" Sucho, Anky, and the rest of the teams looked over the cliff and saw a clash between Al and IAl to the death, "AL, NOOOOOO!" Ruby shouted in horror

Al and IAl are now completely bruised and bloodied Al was completely bloodied and bruised, however, IAl was healing in an instant "Don't bother Al!, you can't beat ME!" IAl bared his claws, fangs, and teeth, and then charged towards Al, however, this time, he was ready for IAl , IAl pounced on him but Al kicked him over himself ( like the fight between simba and scar) IAl fell of the cliff but was able to grab hold on the edge, which was barely holding him from certain doom. "Al, you did it!" "Way to kick his butt Al, here's a rope for you to climb." Al was about to come for his friends until heard screams of cries for help, he turned around and it was IAl, who is slipping from the edge, "IAL!" Al quickly ran to his brother and save him, IAl was trying to grab on to anything he can get a hold on, until he slipped, time slowed down as he was falling towards his doom, until something grabbed his claw, it was Al, who saved him from falling, he was slipping as well, Al knew he was not strong enough to get IAl up, and he knew if Sucho and Anky came down to help, the whole ledge would collapse, Al didn't know what to do until IAl said something to him softly "Let go Al." "WHAT, IAL WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? "Ending my life, I really am a freak, abomination, and a......................a monster." IAl was now shedding tears as he was being held by Al's claw "I-I-IAl don't s-say that, no matter what you are, y-y-you'll always be my brother." Al spoke as he was crying as well, "I know, and I'll tell our parents I'll meet them on the other side." "Wait I-I-IAl w-what are you doing!?" IAl raised his claw and swiped Al's claw away, making him fall, "Goodbye b-b-brother." IAl spoke as he was falling at the bottom of the the cliff until a portal appeared out of nowhere and caught IAl, making him teleport to another universe, "BROOOOOOOTTTTTHHHEEERRR!" Al shouted as he cried, sobbing for his brother, Sucho,Anky, and the rest of the teams cried, this affected Ruby and Yang, Yang was hugging Ruby, who cried in her big sisters chest, Al lost a sibling, they knew he was evil, but he was just bullied, and he was gone, and they cried for him.

A funeral was held for IAl, though some people didn't go because he was a murderer of humans and Faunus, the only known crowds were Ozpin,Glynda,Ironwood,Winter, TEAMS RWBY,JNPR, CFVY, Anky, Sucho, ......and Al, they laid flowers and gifts on the front of his grave, his grave had a statue of him, slaying Grimm, along with his raptors, and the raptors also came to visit too, even RA and YB.

The funeral was over, but Al, hasn't left his brothers grave, Al just sat in front of it, then came Sucho, Anky, and team RWBY, "You okay Al?" Sucho asked in a soft voice. "Yeah, I'm fine Sucho." "Al, were sorry about your brother, we just wished we went down there and helped you." "No Anky, if you went down there, the whole platform will collapse." "Al, there's something me and my team made you." Al turned around and saw the gift Ruby and her teammates made, it was a painting of him and IAl, playing, and the other present they made was a plush of IAl, "T-thank you Ruby, this was a kind thing you guys done for me." "Al, no matter what, were your family." "Yeah, Sucho's right Al, no matter what happens, we will always be there for you Al." "Us too!" Thank you dinos, teams and ..raptors, you really are the best family I have." Al and his dinos, and friends came to one big group hug along with RA,YB, and the others raptors, making Al hope everything will be alright.

At New Meridian
"You've gone too far Samson!" A long thin white dragon like parasite that was sticking through a girl who was undead, with a sewed mouth spoke towards a school girl who had a black, symbiotic parasite like a Second mouth woman yokai, "Stay out of this worm, I don't have time dealing with..uuuuh what's that coming from the sky?" The girls and their parasites looked up and saw a portal open, and what came out of it was a big grey, menacing allosaur who fell down between them, "UUUH. My head." It was IAl who was teleported to the Skullgirls universe IAl woke up and saw two girls and their parasites, whose mouths agape and filled with shock on their faces, what shocked them even more is what IAl had said to them, "Hello?"

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