Chaptr two

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Olivia's pov
The bell rang signalling the end of the day. Finally, I get to get out f this hell hole and go home. I met up with Ella after class and we walked down to our locker together.
"Do you have any classes with your boyfriend?" She asked giggling.
"Boyfriend? What boyfriend?" I laughed "if your talking about the devil, no I don't, thank God. I don't know how I'd survive the year if I had a class with him." I spun the combo into my locker and opened it, making a piece of loose paper fall out. "You already have papers falling out of your locker? It's only the first day" Ella commented. I usually have a super neat locker for about a week, but once we start getting papers and projects it begins to become messy.
"That's so odd, I haven't even gotten a note yet" I told her. I bent down to pick up the paper.

We got off to a bad start. Text me? (555) 555-5555
Brooklyn Xx
I crumpled the paper and tossed it into my backpack so I could throw it out.
"What was it?" Ella asked
"Brooklyn again" I said as I rolled my eyes
"I think someone has a lil crush on youuuu" she said
"Feelings aren't mutual though" I laughed
We said goodbye to each other and I went outside for my ride, Sean. I waited out in the rain for five minutes , and he still was no where to be seen. I tried calling him twice but of course, no answer. My hair was dripping wet, and at this point I was so thankful I worse waterproof makeup. I hugged my arms since I had a tank top on and my arms were exposed. Finally, my phone rang and Sean flashed on the screen. I immediately answered the phone.
"Sean where the hell are you?!" I yelled
"Liv I texted you saying I was going out with my friends after school... Wait... I forgot to hit send. Liv I'm so sorry. Just walk home." He said
"Sean do you realize it's raining and we live a half an hour walk from the school? I'm wearing a tank top and shorts."
"Liv I sorry but I'm not coming back for you. You can grab my hoodie from my locke if you want"
"Whatever. Bye" I mumbled into the phone. I turned around to try and get into the school to get his hoodie because I was freezing, but of course, with my amazing luck, the door was locked. "Great" I whispered to myself. I started walking home, because by the looks of it, the rain wasn't stopping for a while. After 5 minutes of walking, I saw a bright light flash in the sky and the clouds rumbled. I started to shake, I hated thunderstorms. Like I'd rather be put into a room with friggen bugs than be outside during a thunderstorm. A car started to slow down beside me, and rolled down its window. "Hey Olivia!" A boys voice called. I looked over to see Brooklyn, just the guy I wanted to see (note the sarcasm)
"what do you want Brooklyn?" I asked
"Let me drive you home. It's storming and your wearing a tank top and shorts, your gonna get sick." He said
"It's fine Brooklyn. I'm fine" I said as I started walking again.
"Olivia please"
I turned around again. This day literally couldn't get any worse, so I decided to let the fckboy drive me home. I opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. He took off his soccer hoodie and put it in my lap.
"Wear this. Your shivering" he said
I nodded and put the very oversized hoodie on.
"Why were you walking alone in the rain" he asked once he started driving.
"Because my asshole of a brother, Sean, decided not to tell me he was going out with his friends after school until after he left" I answered him.
"You have a brother?"
"We're twins"
"Really? Do you have any other siblings?" He asked
"Nope just Sean. How about about you?"
"Two brothers and a sister. Romeo is 12, Cruz is 10 and my sister Harper is 3"
"Awe that's cute! Take a left here" I instructed
Soon we finally pulled up in front of my house.
"Woah. Your house is huge! What do your parents do?" Brooklyn asked
"Ummm... Well my dads a soccer player"
"And your mom?"
"I don't really know her to well"
And there's the awkward silence. "Well, thanks for the ride Brooklyn." I start to take off his hoodie.
"No! Keep it. I like how it looks on you. Anddddd since I drove you home will you finally give me your number? "
Of course. I knew I'd have to give him something after that.
"Sure" I said. He handed me him phone and I punched my name in.
"And one more thing!" He said before I left " you have to go for lunch with me on Friday"
"Brooklyn seriously?"
"I'll text you the details! By Olivia!!" He called as I got out of my car. I went inside and found my dad sitting on the sofa.
"Hey liv! How was your first day? Why did you come come home so late? Why are you all wet? Who's sweater is that?" He asked
"One question at a time dad." I giggled "my first day was fine I guess, I came home so late bc Sean forgot to tell me he was going out with his friends after school and not driving me. Then I started to walk in the pouring rain and my new friend saw me walking and offered to drive me home. I was shivering because of the rain and stuff so he let me wear his hoodie" I said, making sure I answered all his questions.
"I'm gonna go upstairs and take a shower to get warm, I'll see you later" I said to my dad. I ran upstairs and took a shower and put my pjs on. I hopped on my bed and looked at my phone. Woah, it's already 6 pm. I had 2 messages from an unknown number.
Unknown: Hey Olivia, It's Brooklyn!
Unknown: I'll pick u at Friday @ 6, @  ur house. Our plans are secrete ;)see ya then. Xx

Gawd this boy. I'm only doing this because He drove me home. I changed his name in my phone to Brooklyn and FaceTime Ella to tell her everything that happened. "Liv, do you like him?" She asked after I finished.
"I don't know... I mean he's cute, but he's cocky as hell and I don't know honestly."
"I think you guys would make an adorable couple"
"Shut up" I laughed
We said our goodbyes and I closed my eyes, even though I haven't eaten. I wasn't hungry. I slowly fell into a heavy sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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