Chapter 1

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Athena's POV

 I woke to the sun in my face and smiled. "Today will be a good day." I thought. I got out of bed and changed out of my night gown and into my dress. I sat at my vanity and put my hair into a pony tail and put on some light make up. I slipped on my sandals before heading out the door to Poseidon's home. Once I got there I knocked on his door. "Who is it?" I heard. "Athena." I replied. The door opened and there stood the love of my immortal life. He smiled and opened the door wider letting me inside. Once the door was shut he turned to me and kissed me on my lips. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away. "How are you?" He asked. "I'm well and you?" I replied. "Better now." He stated before pecking my lips. "I hate how we have to be secret. I want everyone to know that I am with the most beautiful woman on Mount. Olympus." Poseidon said. "Don't let Aphrodite hear you say that." I joked. "Well it's true." He responds. 

 We decided to stay at Poseidon's for a little bit and have breakfast before heading to the main hall for the meeting we were having today. I left first, seeing as everyone thinks we hate each other, and Poseidon left a few minutes after me. I sat in my normal seat, or throne, and waited for everyone to arrive. Aphrodite sat in her seat after me, she sits on my right, and Ares sat on my left as always. Poseidon sat in his throne next to Ares and everyone sat down after him. "Today is just a reminder of our celebration we will be having next week, and to give ideas on the theme as we have yet to decide on either, classic elegance or masquerade." Zeus says. "I vote masquerade." Aphrodite said. "I say classic elegance." Ares said. Everyone said what they would like and it was a tie, the only one who hadn't voted was me. "Athena, what do you wish to have?" Zeus asked. "Way to put me on the spot." I joked. Everyone laughed as I said that and I smiled. "I like masquerades, not knowing who the person is, no one knowing who you are. It seems like fun." I said. "Then it's settled, masquerade it is." Zeus said, "Now to remind you of the rules. No killing anyone, no inappropriate behavior, and finally, no dating one another, humans yes, Gods and Goddesses, no." I sighed and looked down. "Meeting over." Zeus said. I stood and began walking out with Aphrodite while speaking with her. "I think it's stupid, the whole, no dating each other rule, it's totally unfair." I said. "Yeah well he was kind of heart broken when I broke up with him." Dite said. "I know, but shouldn't we be able to love who we want? Why forbid people to be with someone they love?" I asked. "Why are you even saying this? Do you love someone?" Dite asked. "No, it's just, maybe someone loves someone and they can't be with each other because of this damn rule." I replied. "Yeah, but he's just unfair. Maybe if someone talked to him about it, he would drop the rule." Dite said. I nodded as we walked to the market place.

Dite and I had spent a few hours buying some new clothes and such before we went to Dite's house to hang out. "So, do you and Poseidon still hate each other?" Dite asked. "Well we haven't spoken in a while so I don't know." I replied. "I still don't know how you can hate someone THAT hot." Dite said. "Well he did do something horrid to me over 1,000 years ago when I was younger." I stated. "Still, even after all these years you still hate him. I don't understand why you guys don't call it quits." She says. 'If only you knew.' I thought.

I walked home after a few hours and ate dinner before going on an evening stroll. I walked to the gardens and just before I got there I bumped into someone as I was lost in my thoughts. "I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." I said. "Nor I." The person said. I looked up and saw him. "Poseidon? What are you doing out here?" I asked. "Well I wished to clear my head so I came for a stroll, then I bumped into you." He explained. "Oh. Well I was heading to the gardens, would you like to accompany me?" I replied. "Of course." He stated.

We walked to the gardens before starting to make small talk. "How was your day?" I asked. "It was pretty good, and yours." He replied. "It was okay. The meeting was rather boring, but then again when isn't it?" I say. "True. Though I like your choice of the annual celebration." Poseidon said. "I was thinking that since everyone will be in masks then why not be able to use it to our advantage?" I stated. "My girl, full of smart ideas." He replies. I smiled as we kept walking talking about things here and there about any and every thing. 

 "Would you like to stay the night?" I asked Poseidon as we reached my home. "Sure." He said smiling. He followed me inside as I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. "Do you want anything to eat?" I asked. "No thank you." He replied. I shrugged and grabbed some olives popping one in my mouth. I went to my seating area and sat down on one of the chairs and continued popping olives in my mouth one by one. "You really like olives don't you?" Poseidon asked. "I didn't put a plant in front of that building in Athens for nothing now did I?" I replied. He laughed at my response and stole a few from my hand. I glared at him but went back to eating. 

 Once I was done snacking I went to my sleeping chambers and got my night gown before going to my wash room and changing. When I walked back out Poseidon was sitting on my bed. I walked over to my dresser and pulled him out a pair of sleepwear. He took them from my hands and went to the wash room and changed. Once he was done we climbed into bed once the candles were blown out but the fire in the fire place still burning for light and heat. Poseidon wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest as I squealed. I turned to face him and smiled at him. "Why did you do that?" I asked. "I want you in my arms. Is that so wrong?" He replied. I shook my head while grinning before snuggling into his chest and closing my eyes. I felt him tighten his arms around me and him kiss my head before I drifted off to sleep.

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