Something is Wrong.

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You woke with a start. What? Where were you? It was pretty dark here, wherever you were. You sat up slowly and groaned. Why did you hurt so much? You looked around, and eventually looked up. Above you was a massive hole, probably the biggest joke you've ever seen in your life. Had you fallen down that? You can't quite remember. A lot of your memories are really fuzzy for some reason, but you could feel that something was wrong. Very wrong. Standing up, you took note that you were on a bed of golden flowers. If you had fallen down that hole, the flowers must have somehow broken your fall. You sigh heavily, feeling a bit bruised and aching. Deciding it was high time to get out of this place, you noticed one hallway, and went through it.
In the next room was a single golden flower, but this one had a face and talked. That wasn't normal, was it? No, it's not, at least you're pretty sure it's not. It makes you feel nervous.
"H-Howdy! Oh no... Are you a human?" At the strange question, you simply nod. "Oh, no no no... You can't be here! It's not safe for humans. You'll be killed in an instant! T-Toriel, if she finds you here... Oh nooooo." The flower sounded very distressed. You crouched down in front of it with a frown.
"My name is Frisk. Do you have a name? Can you tell me where exactly I am? I... I can't remember much at all. I think I must have fallen down that hole." You explained with a deeper frown. The flower took a deep breath and sighed.
"My name is Flowey. You've fallen into the Underworld. Monsters dwell here, but they are cruel and evil creatures. They all hate humans deeply, and will kill you on sight. This world... It's kill or be killed. A-And I don't know how much more I can take!" The flower sobbed, drooping slightly. On instinct to comfort, you reach out and gently pat the flower. He sniffed sadly. "To get back to the surface, you'll have to go through the Underground. Everyone you encounter will likely try to kill you." He said in a much more serious tone now. "If you take me with you, I can help you fight. I-I don't wanna hurt anyone, but if we have to I will. I can help you in the Underground, or at least I can try." He said confidently, and you smiled softly, saying that of course you'd take him with you. But how?
At that last question, Flowey seemed to sort of grow out of the ground, and he grew up your arm, wrapping his stem around your arm a few times to remain stable. "Like this! Can you move your arm okay?" He asked in concern, and you nodded, bending your arm. He wasn't wrapped too tightly, and he wasn't covering your elbow. It was perfect. "Let's go. Oh, and uh... Let's hope we don't run into Toriel. If we do, listen to my advice. I've dealt with her before." He said with a nervous tone. You wondered who this 'Toriel' was and why you should be concerned. With your new friend (and a convenient stick you found) you began your trek through what he referred to as 'The Ruins'.
"There are all kinds of puzzles here. I hope you'll be alright." Flowey said in concern. "I think you can walk through the buttons and flip that switch over there." He explained, trying to help out in any way he could. You nodded, listen to his advice and working your way through the treacherous Ruins. There were spikes and holes and strange creatures, but the creatures seemed to leave you alone. They seemed... Very, very afraid. Of you? That didn't seem right. Maybe of something else.
Eventually, you and Flowey reached a house. "That's Toriel's house. I don't think we can avoid her anymore. The exit is in her basement. We just gotta get through." Flowey seemed terrified to encounter Toriel.
Just as you started to go towards the house, the door slammed open and a large creature walked out. She reminded you of a goat, with her small horns and long ears, but she set you on edge. She had yellow eyes, red pupils, and red tints just under her eyes. Her black robes were torn up, and the smile she wore made you feel extremely uneasy.
"Oh! I knew someone was wandering around my Ruins, setting off my traps. I didn't know it was a human. A child at that. A poor, defenseless child..." The way she called you defenseless made you shudder.  "Come, my child. You must be hungry, and scared." She grabbed your arm rather forcefully and pulled you into the house. Flowey seemed to shake with fear on your arm, and you only could hope this would end well.

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